Chapter 50: I Missed You

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It was 6 pm and I was in front of Richard's door. I took a deep breath and opened it. I looked at the house and saw it was messed up. Like literally glass on the floor and clothes.

I walked upstairs and wandered through the house and saw Richard sitting on the bed his hands in his hair "Richard" he looked at me, he ran and embraced me. "Valentina, I missed you." "me too" his heart was racing at full speed. "don't ever do that again," he said "I needed some time" I looked at him, and he smiled "well you're here now."

"You're not mad?" "I was before you came" he looked around "but how can I be mad when I look in your eyes or even hear your voice" "I'm sorry Richard, but what he said wasn't little" he nodded "he made me overthink everything." "Even us?" I nodded looking down, "I'm scared I'll ruin your future" "you are my future, and nothing can ruin it if you're there"

We were cuddling "you're so beautiful" he whispered in my ear making me giggle and blush, "let's run away" I looked at him "what? Are you serious?" I asked him "Yeah, like you and me. Just us. Let's not tell anyone." I smiled "we can't" "why?" He questioned "We have work and life" "we'll figure it out, just you and me" he put a few strands of hair behind my ear "as much as I love the idea of having you alone to myself, we can't, you have your family here" "let me think," he said.

"No thinking Richard, you can't leave your family. I'm not going to let that happen" I shook my head "how about for a few days?" "Yeah that sounds good, wait no, are you hypnotizing me or something" he laughed "for the rest of the week, we'll tell my family and go" "but our work" I was kind of convinced.

"Three days won't matter" "for your information I didn't attend the last three days" I stated "so?" "well my daddy doesn't own the company," I said chuckling "oh god it comes great out of your mouth" "what comes great out of my mouth?" I started thinking, "Hey," I pushed him playfully. "let's be serious." He said, "ok" "It does come beautifully out of your mouth" he smirked, "that's serious talk?" "I'm joking Lina, we can leave tomorrow" he sat straight on the bed "we didn't tell your dad and mom, we didn't pack, and we don't even have a place to stay in" "well easy, I'll call them right now, I can drop you off home so you can pack and I can pack here, and we'll stay at our lake house." He said as if he had it all planned out.

"Can we at least do it next week, I don't want Larry to give me attitude again. And I will of course have a lot of work to catch up." "When did Larry give you attitude?" Shit did I say that? "swear you won't do anything" he nodded "he thought he was my boss. So one day I finished work early he told me I could leave, so before I left I had to ask your father. So the day after he gave me a lecture shouting about how he's my boss and after talking to him with nothing but respect he was about to call me a name but I stopped him." He sigh "If he still worked you're lucky I swore, but he's fired remember?" "oh, yeah" I chuckled.

"Did you find her?" People barged in "apparently he did" Justine said. "We're so sorry Valentina, we're so sorry we didn't do a thing" "I'm really not sad or mad. You didn't do anything" I said, "what? How?" "you didn't do anything," I said "Maxine. How is she?" "she's at your house," Justine said, "she saw the note" they nodded.

"Valentina," I heard a voice say, "can we talk?" It's John, "no, no you can't" Richard stood in front of me.

"I just wanted to apologize" I held Richard's arm hugging it "it's ok baby" I whispered "I'm not leaving" he stated "I was in a bad time, drank a lot. I didn't like seeing Maxine like that. I wanted to put my hand on the problem or the person who did that. I discriminated against you and that was not ok. Little did I know that I was the one who did this. I was the one who broke up with her and let her run in the middle of the night. I didn't appreciate having her in my life, didn't realize her importance in my life but after her life. It wasn't ok. I'm deeply sorry, you especially deserve the best."

"It's ok, I forgive you. Go get her. Tell her what you just said. Tell her that you can't live without her, you love her." He smiled and hugged me "she's at my house."

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