Chapter 36: For Me

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Valentina POV

We were at my house and we ate I wasn't in the mood but he made me I didn't eat a lot though. I love him so much, and right now we are walking Munchi.

"Tell me. What's wrong? And don't tell me it's nothing, because I know you" he said, "it's just some stress from work that's all" I said, "Valentina Rosie Hart" I chuckled "it's nothing, it's nothing ok? If it was something serious I would've told you" "why do I feel like I tell you everything and you don't tell me a thing?" He argued "wow wow wow. What?" "yeah," he said.

"Richard, I do my best to fight for us. You may not know it but yeah I am. I'm literally going through hell and back for us, so don't say I don't tell you anything" "I'm sorry, I just feel like you keep things from me, that makes you sad and it makes me sad to see you sad" he stated "Richard, I'm not holding a grudge or anything but I actually tell you everything, last time I told you something you walked away and left me unnoticed for two days" I looked down.

"What did you mean when you said you go through hell and back for us, and that you fight for us? Did someone do anything?" I shook my head wanting to tell him but was afraid. "Lina tell me" I shook my head he looked me in the eyes "please," he said, I was never that hesitant before.

Munchkin began barking "no, no, not here not now," I said walking away from the crowd of people and feeling my air sucked out. I tried to find somewhere not crowded but I didn't find anywhere.

"Valentina?" He looked at me "Valentina are you ok?" I shook my head, I put my hand on my lung "I can't" he looked around "where is your bag?" I shook my head "wait, just wait, please" he had tears, it was his first time seeing me like this. He took his phone out "can you come? My girlfriend just had an asthma attack and we don't have her inhaler" he continued saying where we are and such and such.

He held my hand tightly while Munchkin had her head on my legs. "keep your eyes open ok?" I nodded.

After a bit, I heard a lot of sirens. The ambulance came with the bed and carried me and Richard came after me. The man opened my eyes and put a light in them, checked my pulse, and did many other procedures.

"Keep your eyes open ok?" I nodded "what's your name?" "Valentina... Hart," I said he checked through his iPad "you came a couple of days ago, you have severe asthma. Right?" he was shocked and stood up again and came to me, I nodded. "Any stress that caused you this" I didn't answer "negotiation, fights" I nodded "today?" I nodded "how many?" I didn't talk "with your fingers you don't have to talk" I pulled three fingers why does he even care? He looked shocked "with him?" I shook my head, why is that even relevant? 

I can't breathe and my eyes are beginning to get heavy "eyes open ok? We're going to be in the hospital after 15 seconds." He knew I wasn't going to last "count with me" Richard held my hand "count with me, Valentina, for me," Richard said "one, two.... three, fo-" I saw black.

I woke up people shouting around me. "hey, I'm here. You're ok" Richard held my hand, "I'm ok," I said weakly the mask on. The doctor came in. "I told you if you didn't take your medication you wouldn't be ok" The doctor came in and said without noticing that someone was there. "I'm taking my medication," she looked at me with shock "then?" I don't take them every single day, was what I didn't say "they don't work. It's not all on me" "she takes them" Richard said.

"We have to put it Valentina" I shook my head "I am not inserting a tube in my neck" Richard looked at me with shock "then the shots every week" I sigh. "they have bad effects on the body," I said "that was the last thing I can do," she said "what if I don't take them," I asked her "you will," Richard said "forget what I said last week, four months maximum. Can you please just leave us for a minute?" She asked Richard, I'm doomed I won't even last half a year, Richard didn't know about that part. About the part where I don't last half a year.

She tried convincing me about the operation but I didn't agree. I won't do it.

Richard came into the room "I won't do it Richard" "I mean why? What would you lose?" He asked me "I would lose my voice and you would barely hear me again. I will taste foods and drinks differently and I'd rather spend my last days enjoying them with you than hating my life for the last 4 months. So?" "You won't die" he shed a couple of tears "I'm not going to die love. That's what I'm talking about, I didn't take my medication before, but since you came ever since last month I began eating, walking Munchkin, and taking the medication regularly. Because I actually realized that I have someone to live for." I wiped his tears away "don't cry baby" I pouted "I'm not a baby I'm a man" I chuckled "you're my baby" "ok fine but don't tell anyone" he smiled.

We were at his house "I love your house" it was amazing many shades of black and grey "really? I never liked it" he said "isn't a home to me" "well I love it more than mine" I spoke "I love yours more than mine" I scrunched my eyebrows "really, why?" he asked "because, I don't like white, white walls, floors, ceilings" I stated "why?" he took steps near me "because I spent most of my life in hospitals and they were my worst memories, I spent them in white rooms everything was white" I made my fingers gently run over the walls "besides, I love it here because it has the scent of you" he smiled "I feel like your house has life and here, it's just black" "I love it here, it's modern and nice" he had many questions but kept them to himself. 

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