Chapter 42: The Playboy Posters

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Richard's POV

I shouldn't have given her this shirt. I mentally regretted that decision, why? Well let me tell you, it was short. Like literally so short that I could see her panties, her red panties like those really hot ones.

And she's too innocent to know, she actually looks better in my shirts than I do. I looked at her and couldn't talk, definitely a big mistake, too many thoughts were running through my head, but I had to stop them, they had to run away. They had to vanish because she was just not ready yet.

I have to, she's not like any of the other girls, she's just unique and out of this world and doesn't deserve the treatment I treated others. I saw her lips moving but couldn't comprehend what she was saying. "Richie," she was in front of me "Love are you ok?" "um you just look way too good in my shirt, I mean" I bit my lip "stop that, I got worried about you." She was too innocent.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her tiny little waist. "I mean look at you. So hot and smexy" I wanted to say more words but didn't so many inappropriate words, I bit my lip smirking.

"Hey, hey." She said blushing "you gave that to me, it's awfully short." I chuckled and smirked not thinking she'll get it, she's too innocent to know why I gave her that shirt.

"Oh my god," she gasped "what?" "you've got a little drool here." I chuckled "here?" I put my finger near my mouth, she nodded "oh yeah?" She nodded I carried her on my shoulder, making her gasp "Richard put me down" she shouted with a low tone chuckling "nuu'aah" I refused "Richard" she said again "yeah?" "put me down or else" I threw her on the bed gently careful not to hurt her and got on top of her "or else what?" I smirked.

She startled me by turning us upside-down and suddenly she tickled me making me fall into a fit of laughter. "stop" I said with tears in my eyes "stop" I said again "and what do I get in return?" She raised an eyebrow "A kiss?" "that's fair" She pulled me by my shirt and once she got close enough she pulled away, she did it again and I didn't like to be teased and she knew that quite well.

I pulled her by her throat and kissed her, I kissed her really hard, I kissed her gently but a kiss that would tear those gorgeous lips of hers apart. A kiss that meant thousands of words and poems by Percy, Shelly, or William Blake. Her hands wandered up to my arms, steadying themselves on the back of my neck pulling on the little hairs lightly, making me groan, I melted under her touch. I bit her lips asking for entrance which she granted me by slightly opening her mouth. Our tongues explored each other's before getting out of control I decided it was enough since we don't want anything to happen. Her lips were swollen. I gave her a small peck on her lips making her smile, "I love you Mr. Pierce" "me too Ms. Hart"

After a bit she broke the silence "well I didn't expect your room to be like that" she said looking around "what do you mean?" "like your teenage room. I expected it to be more.." She was searching for a word "more.." she continued, I chuckled at the loss of words.

She laid on her stomach laying her head on my chest "more what?" I asked chuckling "I expected it to be filled with more pictures" "what pictures?" I asked amused "like, you understand me. Don't make me say it" I knew what she meant but didn't want to give in "nope, I need more information" "oh sweet god. Like lady pictures" her vocabulary was innocent as she is "ohh the playboy posters," I said loudly.

"Shhh" she hushed me and put her soft hands on my mouth, I chuckled "oh I had those" I wanted to see her reaction "really?" She asked with a pale face "nope, I never had them" I chuckled.

"You should've seen your face" I laughed "stop teasing me, was your room always like this?" She asked me "nope" "how was it like then?"

"It was locked out, more of a no-entry zone. Like literally." I explained, "so never did a lady, woman, or girl back then enter here?" "of course, women entered here," I said, "Mom and the housekeeper. But only when allowed. My room was to be cleaned only once a month and I closed my door when going out or to school" I don't like people snooping around my things.

"I don't believe you, then what were you hiding?" "Nothing this was and still is my zone and when I moved out I took everything, I never shared anything, not even a dorm." I said crossing my arms behind my head "you're hard to believe, no actual girl entered here?" I shook my head.

"No girl entered this house" "so you were a virgin throughout school literally untouched?" She knew nothing about this world.

"What am I a nun? Of course not" "then what?" She asked me "is this an interrogation?" I smirked "yes, it is criminal, and I expect you to answer all my questions or there will be consequences" she held my arms "like what police officer?" I made my face inches away from her "no kissing for a month" I can't deal with that, "fine, I'm answering" she chuckled knowing she won "I never brought women here, I went to their houses or we went to a motel or something" she raised her eyebrows saying, "tactics" putting her index finger on her head I chuckled "what motel?" I groaned.

"Any motel next to a gas station or something?" I was ashamed of myself, well not ashamed because they said yes "so if we wanted to kiss, which motel would you bring me to?" She asked me, how can she compare herself to them, besides she doesn't know what we did there, the fact that she said kissing.

"I would never bring you to a motel. I would bring you to Four Seasons, Hilton, Ritz" I gave her a kiss between each one of them "never less but more" she smiled, and I chuckled smirking "you're so innocent" I said, "I am not" she argued "well you are, the fact that you don't admit it and don't know what I'm talking about makes you more innocent" she sigh blowing a strand of her from her face.

I got up and began taking my shirt off "what are you doing?" She questioned "I'm taking my shirt off" "why" I chuckled "to go to sleep" she looked the other way.

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