Chapter 51: Resignation Letter

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Valentina POV

"So are we going to leave tomorrow?" I shook my head and took his hand "after Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday" I pulled a finger with each day "look just three days" I held his hand to my heart. "just three days" I nodded my head and pecked his hand "God how much I love you" I said.

I was home alone, apparently, Maxine went home and left me a thank you note. I got Munchkin from Richard with me. I tidied up for a bit and looked at the calendar and saw that I had a checkup tomorrow "oh for Christ's sake"

Richard called me on FaceTime "so are you home?" I asked him "yup and I'm in bed right now" "want some tea?" I messed with him "yes please" he stopped and then laughed "you're literally in virtual reality right now." I said, "no, I'm not" his eyes were closing "can I ask you a question?" I nodded "where did you stay?" I couldn't tell him, he called Mia multiple times and she told him I wasn't there "it doesn't matter now," "So am I going to see you tomorrow?" I nodded "what are you going to do after work?" "I have a check-up at the hospital," I said, "I can come with you if you want," he said, "we can talk about this tomorrow, love. Get some sleep ok?" He nodded "I love you" "me too, baby" well the night ended peacefully knowing I'm going to be seeing him tomorrow.

I woke up early and decided to take my car, I was actually not feeling so good today so yay for me. I went to Richard and called him "hi" he said in his morning literally so damn hot voice "don't tell me you're still asleep" "what? No, I'm on my way to work actually" I chuckled "really? Cause I'm outside your house, oh too bad I'm going now"

I heard him running, then falling, "wait" after a second the door was open "hi" I smiled and kissed him and walked in "Hey, I deserve more than this," he pulled me and kissed me, "you would've if you woke up early" I played in his messy hair as he laid on me while I was sitting on the couch.

"How did you even know I didn't go to work?" "Baby, all your cars are parked downstairs in the garage" "so we have to go?" He asked me "unfortunately" "can we bring donuts?" He asked "I brought you but since you're not ready I am going to eat them," I said, "as if" he chuckled and hugged me nuzzling his face in my neck, I kissed his head. "Richard, are you tired?" I whispered, he nodded his head, "do you want to continue sleeping?" He didn't answer, I looked at him and saw him already asleep.

I looked at my clock and it was 7:45 I had to go. I left him his donuts and put his coffee in the microwave and left him a note and left.

I knocked on George's door "come in" "good morning" I said smiling "good morning Valentina" "how are you today?" I asked him "Perfect, how are you?" "I'm good, I wanted to tell you that Richard looked way too tired today, he tried coming but couldn't" he smiled "well it's ok" I nodded smiling "have a nice day," I said "you too"

It's 1 pm and I'm literally buried in paperwork "good morning stranger" Richard came in "Correction, more like good afternoon." I got up and held his hand "are you ok?" I asked him, and he nodded, I intertwined our hands and kissed his "just didn't sleep for the past three days, and then today I felt like I was aching to sleep" "I'm sorry" I apologized "so sorry"

"Ahh, don't worry, so when are we going to the check-up?" "at 4 pm, trust me you don't have to come, you're not obliged to do anything," I said putting my hand on his arm "I want to trust me" I smiled "well I have to go to work because if I keep staring at your eyes I won't go home today" I looked down blushing.

I was in my car and Richard was still upstairs in the company, I called him "Richard, can you please go to my office and get me my house keys because I think I forgot them there" "yes, of course." I heard him walking "it's in my second drawer" "wait a second" he was walking I think, "did you find it?" "Well, you're not a messy person so I think I'll find it easily, there it is" I heard keys "I'm coming, just a minute" "ok"

After a few minutes he got in, but wasn't really looking well "are you ok?" I asked him, he nodded faking a smile "Richard I know you, you don't look like I left you up there" "I'm fine, trust me. Let's just go"

We were at the hospital, did the tests, and were waiting for my turn "you're not going to leave me are you?" "What?" I questioned "I saw the resignation letter," he said, "I'm not planning to leave I promised, don't be a wazzock. I was about to give you that resignation letter before you told me you loved me. Since you had a split personality and were much of an asshole." He sigh "so you're not leaving" "well I'm leaving with you this weekend" he smiled, "Valentina Hart" I got up and Richard got up with me "you don't have to come in with me" "I want to."

"Wow, getting better" I looked at Richard smiling "not that better though" "why don't you like making us feel happy? Like you said she was making a progress, don't ruin the moment" I chuckled "I mean your tests are getting better, but you have to continue" "of course, I will."

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