Chapter 28: Did You Stalk Us?

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 Valentina POV

We were in the car when Richard got a call, I heard him arguing "No Ben" then he gave me the phone "They want to talk to you" I didn't understand.

"Um hello," I said hesitantly, "Hi this is Benjamin," "give me the phone," another voice said, "Hello, this is Nicole, how are you?" "I'm fine, how are you" I responded "I'm great, is it ok with you that you pass by for a bit so that we meet you? We would love to meet you"  "no of course not, it would be great," I said, "great see you in a bit" "ok bye," I said, "why did you say ok?" He groaned "don't you want me to see them?" "no I'd love for you to see them, it's just that they're a tease" I chuckled "don't worry."

We were at a bar in the penthouse of a building. Not a bar it was more of a house or a home than a bar. "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you" a girl came and hugged me, I think she's Zara. "Richard doesn't stop talking about you" I looked at Richard smiling "I don't blame him though," a man said, "I swear to god" Richard was about to continue when the guy put his hands up in surrender "fine, fine."

We sat down and I still didn't get to know their names "so I'm-" "no don't tell her, let her guess" I think Zara said, "I'm not really good at this game" I said, "and she speaks" I chuckled.

"Can you stop it?" A kind guy said, "ok I'll try. You're Zara and you're Jack." I looked around "Michelle and James. Nicole and Callan." I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it they're smiling so either I'm saying it right or I'm blowing it up. "Benjamin and Justine, Maxine and Olivia, Xander and John"

They didn't speak "how?" "excuse me?" I asked him "how did you get all the names right?" I looked at Richard and saw him smirking and putting an arm around me then looked at them.

"Oh God, Zara came and hugged me when I came in and along with Xander they're both energetic. In a good way, though. James is a flirt and along with Michelle they love fashion." I stopped to take a breath. "Nicole has painting stains on her fingers and she's sitting next to Callan. Olivia and Jack are cuddling. Justine glared at me when I came in and Benjamin glared at her for glaring at me. Maxine is so organized which leaves John" I ran out of breath.

"I love her, I love you girl and I don't love nobody easily," Justine said, "How did you know all of that? Did you stalk us?" Olivia asked "um no Richard just told me about all of you when we were on the date" "Dicky talks about us? Ohhhh" Ben said licking his lips "do you want something to drink?" I heard whisky, vodka, wine, beer "Wine, would be nice," I said.

The guys got up to get us the drinks. "Richard talks about you a lot," "Oh, her hair, her eyes, her smile," Justine said I smiled "he loves you a lot," Nicole said, "I love him too," I said, "I literally felt like I could draw you with his words like without seeing you" Nicole stated, "what are you guys talking about?" Richard came asking "well of course not about how much you talk about Valentina" I laughed looking at him "can we please switch the topic?" His cheeks got light pink

We talked a lot and laughed I got to know them more then I felt like my throat was closing up. "um where is the bathroom?" "It's down the hall first right," Nicole said I smiled walking fast not fast enough that they would notice. Once I closed the door I opened my bag and got my inhaler.

After three breaths I was better. It wasn't that serious this time, I shouldn't have drunk the wine.

It was 11:30 pm and I was tired and I had to get up early in the morning to get ready cause I had to get that checkup done, cause this time I don't think they were going to have good news for me.

"Thank you for having me I had so much fun, and don't forget about tomorrow's Arabian coffee," I said "yeah of course 5 pm" 

Richard POV

"Now I understand when you said she's out of reach," Callan said leaning on the counter and looking at the girls outside "yeah," James agreed "she's like a sunshine and you're grumpy" I squinted my eyes looking at them "your story is like The Kiss by Gustav Klimt" I groaned "Can you please speak fucking English" "it's not my problem you're uneducated," Callan said chuckling "back to Valentina" Xander began. 

"How did you tell her?" "long story" I looked at Valentina "I have all the time in the world" "yup me too" I took a sip of my whiskey "she quit" "what?" I nodded "I didn't want to lose her. If I let her go, I wouldn't have seen her again." I wiggled the ice in my cup "so I just told her, I told her I loved her. I told her to stay. She would've left if I didn't tell her" "you told her just for the job?" John asked me idiotically "Are you dumb? Are you actually dumb or are you joking?" Jack asked him. 

"No you idiot, I told her because I love her. Fuck the fucking job, I don't care about the job. I care about her, if I didn't love her I wouldn't have told her I would've just let her go" "so she still has the job?" I nodded "you kissed her?" I shook my head "she kissed me" I smiled "In the rain, she told me she loved me" they smirked "wipe these smirks before I come and wipe them myself" "didn't think our little Dicky was a softy" Jack said smirking.

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