Chapter 35: Pinky Promise

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It's Tuesday and the gallery is in 20 minutes and we're on our way there and we were parking. "Nicole congratulations" I hugged her "thank you" "of course those are for me" James took a flower and put it behind his ear making me laugh, he's so silly.

"I bought you this" I gave her the gift "no you didn't, you shouldn't have" "open it," I said hoping she would like it "oh my God" she hugged me really tight "you listened" I brought her a leather big pencil case roll, with the name Nicole graven on it on the outside. It was big enough to carry all her tools "thank you very much" she thanked me again "hey no need, don't mention it"

The night was a success and we partied after it and I didn't drink anything except water. And the night was over.

Richard slept over and I woke up and work starts after 30 minutes "Richard, Richard, wake up. We're late" he didn't bother "Richard, you have to wake up. I'm going to get you donuts" he woke up instantly "you are such a child" I laughed running to the bathroom. "and you are such a liar" "I'm not lying I'm going to get you a donut if we don't get late"

"High score both of us ready in 20 minutes," I said and gave Richard a high five.

We were at Dunkin' Donuts that's just across the street from the company "we could've stayed a bit at your house and cuddled" he pulled me closed "um no we couldn't because I actually have a boss over me and I'm not the owner of the company and I should work for what I get paid for like everyone in the company from the janitor to my boss. Your donut." He smiled walking after me.

"How are you like that?" "Like what?" I took a sip of coffee "you're just unique" "well I love you just you and I don't care about anything else except us. You and me." "bye," he said waving me off when I left his office. "I love you," he whispered smiling "me too, oh and you are coming with me after work to meet Larry," I said and left his office immediately.

After a minute of processing he came to my office. "um, Larry, sales, Larry" I nodded looking him in the eyes "well he asked me out and I tried turning it down. I told him I had a boyfriend and then he said we should hang out as friends and people told me he's a bit creepy so you are coming with me, unless" "no unless I'm coming have a good day" he began walking away "Richard" he returned my office around smiling "don't do anything crazy." He looked suspicious "I won't"

"Promise me," I said, "I promise," he said, "pinky promise" yes I'm a child. He walked towards me chuckling "pinky promise, on one condition" I groaned "I won't do anything crazy if you came with me next week to meet my siblings and mother, since you already met my father" I smiled instantly "of course, I would love to"

"Wait" he entered my office again "weren't we supposed to not tell anyone in the office?" "Oh, didn't think of that" "and he's a tattletale" he continued "I don't even want to go" I groaned "then don't" "I can't, I gave my word. And I don't want to go alone" I thought for a bit "maybe, I can ask Mia after work" he nodded "just call me every now and then so that I can know that you're ok" "you're such a softy," I said smiling "just for you love" he kissed my forehead and walked to work.

"Valentina can we talk," Larry asked me "of course" he sat down, "someone told me you asked Mr. Pierce if you could leave after I told you, you could leave" "yeah of course I did he's my boss after all." I said "I'm your boss here" he shouted, "I'm sorry but you are not my boss, I respect you and I learned from you a lot" lies.

"And I know you are like 'my boss' but I still need to let him know that I'm going, in case there is something else they need me to do, however, you are not. For my first two months, I just needed to learn from you how things went around here but not anymore, I'm a senior manager of marketing and sales" he looked at me with a look that could bury me in the seventh ground "you are a" "um please you shouldn't call me names," I said "since I didn't do anything wrong and treated you with everything but disrespect," "and why shouldn't I? I do whatever I want," he said, "you're right but we are in a respected company," he looked at me with disgust "and you're right. If you were my 'boss', that's why we should keep it professional within the barriers of work, we can't be friends"

He argued with me for another like 3 minutes and just went away, he even threatened to fire me like what? How even? That doesn't make any sense, he isn't my boss, I don't know who brought it to his mind, but ok. All of that happened because I asked my boss if I could leave like why? I just want the day to be over, I don't even know who told him, it's not like I'm hiding something but like the person behind this wants me out. And no I'm not telling Richard.

"Ready to go home?" Richard came "Yes, love let's go" we walked out and I can't help but despise the looks everyone was giving me. By everyone I mean Britany. Wait, it's Britany. Britany wants me out and she told Larry "Can you please give me a second? I'll be down in a minute, I think I forgot something" he nodded "I can come with you" "No just a minute, it won't take long" he nodded and walked to the elevator.

"Britany, can I please talk to you?" She looked at me bubbling her gum "Gladly" she said smirking and walking in front of me "Are you finally giving him up to me?" She asked "what? What do you mean?" "Giving Richard to me? Dummy" she stated "um what the hell? Are you the one that told Larry that I asked Mr. Pierce to go home?" She chuckled "took you long enough to realize that" "why?" I asked her.

"I always get what I want, Larry is just a sideway, whether you're going to cheat with him on Richard or getting you fired so no job no money, and on the streets. I get what I want with my looks." "What?" I asked "I sleep with people to get what I want. To get a lifetime of rest. May work hard for a bit but ugh I will get him at the end. Whether you like it or not." She walked away.

I walked down and saw Richard in his car, "Took you long enough" I faked a smile "yeah I realized it was in my bag all along" he looked at me worried "are you ok?" He pushed some of my hair behind my ear "um yeah I just need some sleep"

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