Chapter 21: Unicorn to a Devil

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Valentina POV

I woke up from the best sleep I'd gotten in a while. No nightmares no asthma attacks nothing, it's 8 am and I have work at 9 where I get to meet him. "good morning Munchkin" I pet her. I opened my phone.

'Good morning beautiful, can't wait to see you at work'

I buried my head in the pillow smiling, I can't wait to go to work. Wow, a sentence I never thought I'd hear myself saying.

I got ready and was in Starbucks getting myself a coffee and a croissant then I thought why not buy Richard a caramel latte he loves them. So I bought them and was a few minutes away from the company.

I was at the company a couple of steps away from his door I knocked and entered "good morning" I entered his office smiling. He was in a call that made him look furious, I hated that look. "I didn't fucking say that, I told you to bring it here. Ahhh, signed. I wanted it here at 9 am signed, you have exactly one hour to bring it, if you don't you're fired" he groaned and closed the call "I brought you coffee with me. Caramel latte." He got up smiling.

"Not your day ha?" I asked him and handed him the coffee "was not, but since you came, it changed 180 degrees." I blushed "I love the crimson blush" he chuckled and hugged me giving me a kiss, I pulled away smiling pushing him away lightly not that I wanted him to move away. "They're going to see us Richard" he pulled me close.

"I don't care, I have waited too long to do this" I smiled "I love it how you say Richard" I blushed "makes me love my name all of a sudden." "you know you're so bipolar" I chuckled leaning on his desk "why?" he asked smirking "well because you shout a lot, you yell a lot and in a split second you become as calm as a unicorn" he chuckled "well I become a unicorn when I look into your eyes, but a devil when you're not around, bu-"

Britany entered the room all of a sudden with a cup of coffee and a file. I moved away from Richard. I was always scared of her, not scared of her don't get me wrong. She always gave me that 1 2 look. That look where she looks at me from head to toe, with that disgusted look as if I was manky rubbish. I never did her anything wrong, I don't know what's wrong with her. She gave me the same damned look and didn't even talk to me.

"Hi Richard, I brought you the file you wanted and some hot black coffee." She said smiling looking at Richard with that look I have never seen before, yet I felt my heart hurting, a sting.

Oh, sweet Jesus Christ am I jealous? Already? He's not even my boyfriend, yet. He gave her that mad look, I hated it. He makes people get scared of him. I know they should be; however, not that way "It's Mr. Pierce, I'm not your friend" I wanted to laugh so hard, biting my lips so hard.

You can't see her face "WHAT are you laughing about? Think this is funny?" She asked me yelling "I didn't even say anything," Richard stood in front of me "are you yelling at her?" She diverted her eyes from me and looked at him "no"

She looked at the hot coffee in her hand and something lit in her eyes, something evil. "Your coffee Rich-, oh I'm sorry, your coffee Mr. Pierce" she took steps towards him and suddenly threw the cup my way I opened my eyes waiting for the sting and hurt; however, what I saw was Richard's hand in front of me red with all the coffee on it.

"Oh my God, Richard. Are you ok?" I unbuttoned the sleeve and got a tissue and filled it with water from his glass and put it on his forearm. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," Britany said immediately regretting what she did, "Why did you block the cup, Richard? You wouldn't have been burnt now" I stated kind of mad at him, I didn't like seeing him get hurt "wait, why does she get to call you Richard and I can't?" She asked her hands on her hips.

"Are you seriously asking him that question when you just burnt him with a cup of coffee? Are you mad?" I asked her angry. "Why are you talking to me like that?" She asked me her arms crossed in front of her chest "excuse me?" I couldn't believe her rudeness.

"Get out" Richard yelled, I looked at him and walked along with Britany outside, he held my hand before I could leave his embrace and pulled me close "not you" he whispered in my ear making me smile.

"Why did you block it? Look at you. It's really red I bet it really hurts too, I don't like seeing you get hurt" "She was throwing it at you" I looked at him then turned the napkin "I know, but that doesn't mean being an idiot, and hurting yourself on purpose" "well, I'd rather be burnt than see you in pain" I looked at him again and his eyes meant it.

"Stop that you're making me blush" I smiled walking away "really I mean it." "thank you" I put a strand of hair behind my ear, took another napkin put water on it, and put it on his red arm.

"So, are you going to stay in that stained shirt the whole day?" I laughed "me? Nope, not a chance," he said chuckling "I am going to change into this" he got another button-up shirt and headed to the toilet in his office "and I have to go," I said, "why?" "Because I have work" "fine," he groaned "what? I have work to do," I laughed, "ok, but before you go" I turned around "would you like to go on a date with me?" I smiled brightly butterflies fluttering in my stomach "I'd love to"

"How about tonight?" I was going to gladly accept, then I remembered I had to go to the hospital "I can't today, how about tomorrow," "perfect" he smiled "What do you have today? If you don't mind me asking. I can help you or come with you to keep you company" God I can't tell him now, then I heard a knock on the door and Britany coming in. 

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