Chapter 12: No Time

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It's the end of my second month and I'm a hair away from giving in my resignation paper, I have it printed out and the next time he gets on my nerve I'm just going to throw it in his face and walk away "Goodbye Mr. Pierce" I said walking away "aren't we going to meet today?" He asked "I can't, I have some chores to do" I stated "ok," he said not bothered at all, I seemed disappointed that he was ok with me not being there. "ok, bye then."

So I'm in a meeting and Mr. Pierce Jr. isn't here yet "that's great" Mr. George Pierce said. "so you'll go there after two days" "what me?" I asked "yes" "I can't," I looked down "why? You did it great, you're a social person and you'll do great" Richard's father said, "if you can't, no one can" "ok sir, thank you" I said, "plus you can speak german," I smiled "ok, so you're in?" I nodded.

"Dad sorry I'm late" Richard came in "we finished, thank you Valentina" "bye sir" I began walking away, "your ticket will be on your desk tomorrow" "what ticket?" He asked "I'm going to Germany tomorrow night" I smiled "no you aren't, no she isn't," he said, I looked at him challenged "yes she is Richard, she will go there and come back with the signatures," Mr. Pierce said. 

"Why don't they come? Or even make a Zoom meeting or something and email us the signatures?" Richard suggested "they want it face to face" I stated "she's going tomorrow Richards" "alone?" he looked at me "I don't need supervision, I'm not a child," I said, "but," he said, "you didn't even take me into consideration," he told his father "that's my word and it's final Richard" I looked at him "that's what I signed for months ago, remember?" I gave him a fake smile and began walking away "ok, fine" he gave in "ok" I exit the room not looking back

"You're really going?" I was going home to pack my stuff "yes I am" I called the lift "why don't you want me to go anyway?" I asked him "because I- because" he stuttered "because" I motioned him to continue "because I" he looked down "fuck this" he walked away, I held his arm and he stopped at that moment "because what?" "Because I don't" I looked at him holding the elevator open "goodbye Valentina, don't come tomorrow, I'll bring you the tickets myself" I hoped he would've said something else "goodbye Mr. Pierce" that's when the doors closed.

There is no hope I'm thinking of something and he's thinking of something else. There is one thing that had to happen one way or another which was to get over him. That's it I'm over him. He has models on the tip of each of his fingers, he can just look at them and they'll come running to him. I'm a nobody, I may not even be on his mind. All the girls in this building would be or are drooling over him, that's it from now on I will not think of him.

I was home and can't help but think about what he was going to say. "like what does he want, he treats me like I'm nobody but wants me to stay. I can't handle this Elena" I sigh.

"What did he say exactly?" "no she isn't, you're not going alone, you didn't take me into consideration in that matter" I mimicked his voice "and what did you say?" "I was challenging and told him I'm not a child and I don't need supervision and that's what I signed for months ago. And when I was going away he was going to say something but didn't, like he was scared or something" I said.

"He kept stuttering and told me don't come tomorrow and that he'll bring me the tickets himself" "he definitely likes you" she stated "no," "he wants to come and see you alone" she hugged a pillow. "ahh, young love"

"Well, I'm going to work tomorrow, I don't need anything from anyone" she sighed "so," she said, "so nothing, I'm going to Germany tomorrow. I gave him a chance to talk but he didn't" "give it time" she suggested.

"I don't have time, my time is running out and I don't care anymore," "Valentina don't say this," her voice held emotion and sorrow "I'm stating the truth I won't live another 5 months. And I don't have a reason to keep fighting, I even" I stopped what I was going to say, "You even what?" She knew what I was going to say, "you even what Valentina?" "I even began arranging you know," I said looking down.

"What the fuck Valentina? You are going to make it" she said tears flowing out of her eyes "I lost weight dramatically, and the doctor said that I don't even have the previous five months. What if I die? Huh? What if I die and nobody is here. Arrangements had to be made and prepared. I can't fight anymore, the medications are killing me and I just stopped. I don't have anyone to live for" I said.

"Valentina, don't say this. What about me?" She asked tears in her eyes "please keep fighting, for me" I nodded "ok fine, bye" she knew I wasn't going to continue "hey, I'm not joking. 18 years of friendship, I don't have anyone but you" "ok Elena, I don't have anyone but you, too. I'll try" I said "besides I'm over him, I will live every day as if there was no tomorrow" she laughed "you over him?" I nodded "you're just kidding yourself," "go get some sleep ok?" She nodded "bye Elena, love you" "me too peaches" 

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