Chapter 85: No Kiss?

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So we were at our new home, decorating it and doing the final touches since it was 4 days before our wedding. Yesterday we had our rehearsal dinner and it was amazing.

"It's perfect," I said looking at our new home "yeah, because you had me" he flexed his muscles making me laugh "ok Zorro" "I'm joking, yeah it's perfect" he put his arms around my waist and pulled me close "God 4 days till you're my wife." He smiled "Yeah," I said, "too long" he groaned "well it's better than a month" I chuckled "96 hours are too long" I walked up the stairs "can I make it even worse?" I smirked looking at him, he shook his head "ok since you wanted to know, tomorrow is the last day you're going to see me before the wedding" "No it's not" he was in denial "mhm, yes it is. Tomorrow night at 10:45 we are going for my bachelorette party." He pouted.

I walked to the bed taking some clothes putting them on my side of the walk-in wardrobe, I stopped looking at the plaster on my throat in the mirror. He came into the wardrobe and saw me staring at my throat and wandering my finger on it "Hi" he walked towards me "hey" I smiled "I want to take it off" I whispered looking at the plaster "want me to take it off?" I nodded. I sat on the counter in the wardrobe "I never wanted to make a tracheostomy in the first place" I whispered "doesn't matter now, they decannulated it" Richard whispered looking me in the eyes "and your voice is getting better and you can eat now" I smiled as he caressed my legs "ready?" I nodded, and he took it slowly off making sure it didn't hurt.

When he took it off I took a small mirror looking at the scar, tears built in my eyes. Richard took the mirror and put it aside kissing my neck and the scar "it's beautiful Val" He looked at it "no it isn't" I whispered "It's ugly" I looked down "it's beautiful, I'm not kidding. It's amazing." he said "don't lie to me Richard" "Val, I'm not lying. Not everything has to be perfect. Those scars are what makes us different. This" he pointed at his torso "this" he pointed at a scar on my knee "these" he showed me the scar on his hand "this" he caressed my throat "these are what makes us different, these are what makes us unique" he caressed my cheek "I don't want a fucking perfect woman, I don't want a selfish woman, I don't want a woman with her head in the skies" he whispered "I want you, because you are enough for me. Because you are perfect for me, the scars are the things that show you lived. Those are what make you beautiful" I hugged him. "it's beautiful baby" he kissed it again "please don't cry again" I nodded "and you don't cry" "hey you make me emotional, I don't like seeing you cry."

It's been a couple of hours and we were continuing finishing our work in the house

"And no you can't come, even though I wanted you there" "how are you reading my mind?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"And I'm going with Joelle, Mia, Elena, Justine, Liv, Zara, Michelle, Nicole, and Maxine. And I don't know where we're going, and all of them made it together." He was shocked "um first of all wow because you answered all my questions. Secondly, are you going to be ok?" I nodded "I'm going to be just fine" I smiled "great, but I'm going to miss your kisses," he said "don't be pouting you can kiss me now, or not" I leaned in and ran away, "hey that's unfair" he ran after me. "nope," "are you sure about that?" "yup" then he tackled me on the floor. "ahh" I fell laughing "so aggressive," I said joking "yeah that's who I am 'aggressive'" he was caressing my cheek then leaned in and kissed me, I put my hand on his neck playing with his hair and another on his shoulder pulling him.

Then my phone rang "leave it" I said, "wow, for the first time you want to leave it. I have to get it" he got up and offered me a hand which I didn't take "you're an ass" I said smirking walking towards my phone "what?" I picked it up and phone my index finger on his lips. "you have to come as quick as you can, like right now. We're at your house" Maxine said and closed. "oh my god we have to go, to my house right now. Something's up, something's wrong" I took my bag and ran to the door.

"What's wrong?" Richard ran after me. "I don't know, but she said I had to get there as quick as I can like now. She seemed worried Richard" he put his hand on my thigh and caressed it softly, "everything is going to be ok" I nodded and took my puffer to ease a bit of the stress, and put my hand above his.

We were there and ran up the stairs we entered the house and nobody was there "Maxine, Elena" Richard shouted I ran to Elena's room it was empty "my room" I said and went to it. "Surprise" they all shouted Joelle, Elena, Justine, Liv, Zara, Michelle, Nicole, and Maxine. All of them "God you gave me a heart attack," "come on we're going to be late" and they pushed me towards the door. "late for what?" I asked "we have to go to the airport, to your bachelorette party, or vacation," Zara said excitedly "isn't it supposed to be tomorrow night?" Richard asked "well, we lied," Liv said, "any problem with that?" Yeah, she was a bit sassy. "Yeah" Justine glared at him "nope, not at all" he changed his mind making me laugh "but why so early?" I asked "well if we were going tomorrow night it was going to be only one day so we're going today to spend two full days" Joelle cleared it "I didn't even pack my bag" "we did," Michelle said "change my clothes" "they are in the bathroom" I sigh and went to change.

I smiled as they picked out all the white pieces. I never actually liked to wear a full white outfit, like dress ok but jeans and shirt and bag all white I never liked it. But when I wore what they chose for me, it was really nice. White shirt along with white jeans. A darker shade of white knitted cardigan and white Nike shoes. Along with my white cross-Channel bag. I looked really nice. I liked it.

I got out of the bathroom "wooowwww" they said "and finally the final touch to finish the look" Nicole came and put on a small petite veil on my hair "can't we take that part off? Don't you guys think it's too much?" "hell nah," Joelle said.

We were at the airport and I was with Richard "so can you please take care of yourself for me?" He asked, "of course, and can you please not go nuts while I'm away?" He laughed "I'll try" "take care of yourself," I said smiling "ok, but I'll try not to call you every 5 minutes" I chuckled "let's keep it three minutes ok?" "my pleasure," he said.

"So I have to go or they'll pull me from my veil" "ok, I love you," he said, "me too, love" he didn't let go of my waist "I really have to go, not that I want to, but" I shrugged my shoulders "can you please leave my best friend alone? We have a better place to be at this moment" Nicole said, "I'm going to call you all the time" Richard said, "Note girls, the sim card has to be out of her phone" Justine said, "no kiss?" Richard pouted "I wanted to kiss you but you were the one who got up to pick up the phone, remember?" I said walking away, "I love you," I said "see you on the aisle, love" 

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