Chapter 75: But I Waited for You

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The doorbell rang "I'm going out the back door tell him I'm not here" "damn Valentina Rosie Hart, you are going to open the door" she said, "you have to face him" she opened the door at the instant.

"Duke Harry," she bowed "Are you kidding me, Elena? Let him in" I said, "Valentina how are you?" He hugged me, yeah we had that bond, not the formal one, he acted normal around me, "hi Harry. How are you?" "Good, now that I've seen you" why does everyone keep telling me that sentence? "come in have a seat" I pointed towards the place we sit "This is Richard," I said.

"Good morning how are you?" Richard shook his hand "I'm good" "want anything to drink?" I asked him "tea would be nice" "for sure" I boiled water, what the hell am I going to do now? He's my best friend, but I don't know what we're going to talk about. Was I that nervous when I thought he'd come to our engagement? I love Harry as my best friend but he doesn't want to accept that. I got tea and went to them again. 

"What are you doing here in London?" He asked me "well, Richard and I came from New York for my school's reunion" "And how was it?" he asked "well, let's say it was interesting," I said nodding in awkwardness. "Didn't think you'd go" he stated "me neither, but someone convinced me, said I had to face our problems" I smiled looking at Richard. "show them how wrong they were"

"And how's life? Any new relationships?" I asked him "No, didn't have much luck since you left" did he come for that, "you said you weren't ready, now what?" "Did I forget to tell you who Richard is?" I asked "I don't want to know about him Valentina, I want to know about you. I care about nothing but you." He ignored Richard's topic.

"Richard is my fiancé, we met six months ago and we're getting married in a month" I held his hand "what? But I waited for you. You can't forget everything." "Harry when we were young you helped me become more stable, you became a best friend, but when you said you loved me, you wanted nothing but us to be in a relationship, but for me, you were and are truly and deeply my best friend. You left Harry, you left me at my darkest times, you left me alone."

"I didn't mean to, I'm truly sorry. I thought if I stayed away you would've become happier, looser. I'm sorry Val. However, I'm very happy for you, truly happy for you." he smiled. "I sent you the invitation, but you didn't come." "must have been lost in the mail," he said

He looked at Richard "You are very lucky to have been gifted with someone like her, she is priceless and has a heart full of gold, you hurt her or break her you don't know what I'm going to do to you. We have an army, I've been trained and have two bodyguards standing right outside this door" he took a step with each threat, "She deserves the moon and the sun. I wish you the best." He was walking towards the door "Harry" I ran after him, he turned around in hope.

"I don't want us to lose the contact we once had, please don't let this break us apart, I already lost a lot" he smiled "I can't bare losing you too"

"Though miles may lie between us..." oh he remembered I smiled "we'll never be far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, a computer screen connects our heart. And no matter where you are, I know you're only a phone call away." We said together "you remembered," I said.

"I can never forget my forever dearest Ginger best friend" he chuckled "me too minion" "so am I still on your wedding list?" He asked "on the top," I said, "it was nice to meet you, Richard, I hope I didn't disturb you or make you feel uncomfortable" he shook his hand "not at all, I'm always open to seeing Lina's friends. I get really happy" "he's a good one" Harry pointed at Richard "yeah I know" "well I'm afraid I have to go, talk to you soon?" I nodded "gladly" he was about to fall "You still do that? When are you going to stop?" Elena was going to make him fall on purpose. She laughed "umm, perhaps never. You have to get used to it Rory" he groaned "bye guys" we waved our hands "this is the first good thing that happened since we came here." 

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