Chapter 76: Induced Coma

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Valentina POV

So I was home and I was going to go get my weekly medication cause I don't have any, not even a single breath "why are you barking baby?" I pet Munchkin, then I felt it, it was hard, really hard this time. I tried to reach my phone but I can't. I reached for my inhaler but it didn't do anything. "ahh" I tried to breathe but I can't. It was as if I had a weight on my chest. My eyes are closing, it's my end the end of Valentina Hart, I got everything I wanted everything I needed. I experienced love, and affection, and had my first kisses, first affectionate meaning hugs, by the only person I needed in my life. "Richard" was the last person I saw, heard, and spoke to. "Richard" I whispered the last word of my existence. My eyes then just closed, that's it I was finally satisfied with the life I lived and witnessed.

Richard POV

I am here to take Valentina to get her medication and then we're going to go to our new home to organize some stuff and buy our last-minute furniture since our wedding is in four weeks. I can't wait. I was in front of her door and rang the doorbell there was no answer, I forgot my keys in the car. There was just Munchkin's barking, wait, Munchkin only barks when there is a problem.

"Valentina, are you ok?" I yelled through the door, no answer, the barking was getting louder, I just hit the door open since I forgot the keys in the car. I saw my precious baby laying on the floor, surrounded by little pieces of glass. "Richard" I heard her whisper.

"Lina, baby are you okay?" I turned her around, her lips were getting blue as well as her fingertips. "God" I carried her and ran to my car, I closed the door after me so that Munchkin would stay inside.

I put her in the backseat and ran to my door. There were many cars today, maybe because it's the weekend. Every stop was red, but I didn't fucking care I ran with my car through the crowd hearing many horns and words, what bothered me most was the wheezing in the back seat. I hated seeing her in pain.

After two minutes we were in the hospital and I was literally crying. "come on" I carried her to the ER "someone help please" I shouted pleading.

A few nurses came toward me, toward us "what's wrong with her?" a nurse came and put a couple of fingers on her throat "She has severe asthma and I went to her house and found her like that, I don't know how long she's been in the asthma attack, I never saw her like that" they brought a bed and put her on it I ran after them. They did multiple things that I can't understand or recall "you can't be here sir" then the woman closed a door on me. And they began rolling her to the operation room. I can't live without her. I hope she becomes better.

After an hour or two the doctor came to me "she's up, right? I can go see her. Where is she?" I bombarded her with questions "the decrease in oxygen reached the brain, and she hit her head on the floor pretty hard. She has multiple glass bruises and stitches, but she's stable now. It's a good thing you got her here in time." "thank goodness" I smiled "in a coma" "what?" I was in denial "she can't be" tears streamed down my eyes.

"She's in an induced coma, we don't know when she'll wake up or even if she ever will. If she wakes up I'm very sorry to tell you she may not remember you, if not for the decrease of oxygen then from the floor hit." my god "no that can't be true, tell me anything but that, please tell me you are talking about the wrong person, you can't be talking about my love, you can't be talking about Valentina. My Valentina" "I'm very sorry" she walked away "can I at least go see her." She nodded.

"I'm truly inevitably sorry, I couldn't do anything. She was a great positive person" "hey" I pointed at her "don't say was" I gritted my teeth "She is a positive person, she is going to make it" I said "she promised" I whispered.

I walked into the room and saw my beautiful angel. I did this to her, I could've come earlier. Please God, I never loved someone this much. Please don't let her go. Please let us be together. I can't live without her ever since I knew her. Please let her live let her remember me. I beg you.

Take everything from me but her. I don't want anything. I just need her. I don't want her to go away, I don't want her to pass away. If she does I'm going to die. If I was there sooner she wouldn't be here. I don't deserve an angel like her.

I was sitting next to her praying, something I didn't do before she came into my life. And sobbing with all my heart wishing she'd wake up. "what happened?" Joelle and mom ran in "is she ok?" I shook my head "no she's not" I said my head down "what's wrong? What happened to her?" Mom asked her hand on Lina's cheek.

"I got to her house and no one answered for a minute, I heard Munchkin bark and she only barks when something's up, I pushed the door open and I found her on the floor. Her lips and fingers were blue. I ran her to the hospital. After a bit, the doctor came and told me that she was in a coma and she might not wake up from it. And if she woke up she may not remember me."

"Oh my god, it's gonna be ok, Richard I promise," Joelle said with a sympathetic look. "I can't live without her mom, I just can't" she came and hugged me. "I want to live the rest of my life with her," "you are going to don't worry," Joelle said, "do you really think so?" She nodded.

It's been five days I just went to Valentina's house fed Munchkin and brought him to Joelle. I can't do anything but just stare at her hoping she'd wake up. The doctor came and told me that she isn't getting any better and that this may be the end of it. But I'm not giving up. I read her, her favorite book, tell her memories of us, give her leg massages so that she can walk when she gets up, etc. 

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