Chapter 18: Too Afraid

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"I quit" When I realized I said that sentence my heart ached and I stopped the car not realizing I did, I got out of the car. I didn't know that leaving him, leaving work, and New York would hurt me that much, would be that hard. Make me regret saying that much. "Because I goddamn like you. Because I loved you since that minute we met Valentina. I was too afraid to tell you. You broke every rule I had made" The rain started falling.

"Because I fell for your eyes, your beautiful light ice-ocean those stoned warm blue eyes that give meaning to my life, your freckles. Your hair, your bright ginger curly long hair, your, your angelic voice and smile, your laugh before I even knew your name." He said loudly "And when I walked away that day," He stopped "I was sad, I don't know how or why, but I was sad that I won't meet you again, that I won't meet that angel again, I didn't know if you were real or not. I could have never imagined that such beauty existed. And I just can't hide it anymore" he looked at me his wet hair in his eyes "I can't hide my feelings from you anymore" he pushed his wet hair back "And I, I, I just know, and I knew, that a beauty as amazing, selfless as you are, like you, won't ever like someone like a beast like me, I wanted t-"

I ran and just kissed him, there it was my first kiss. I felt that feeling in my heart, some really special feeling. I never felt it before. He was shocked but sighed, in relief, I hope. He wrapped his hands around my waist, his hand on my face. His hand was soft, but not as soft as his lips. I cried, cried so damn hard, I don't believe this. My heart ached. I don't believe this is happening. I cried with happiness. His lips were indescribable. I pulled away crying. Happily crying for the first time in my life, I actually loved someone so badly, adored someone so badly and terribly and he actually likes me back.

"Are you crying?" He asked softly. His voice made me cry even more. I leaned into his soft palm, wanting this moment not to end. Wanting this moment to be real.

I shook my head, he wiped my tears away. "I just" I hiccuped from crying, he smiled "I just liked you since the first minute I saw you, since that day you bumped into me" "then why are you crying?" He whispered "because, for the first time in my life, I actually found someone I love and loves me back, I'm happily crying Richard because I love you so hard and I'm not hiding it anymore" "what?" He asked not believing me, I blushed looking down, and he raised my chin up "what did you say?" He asked again smiling "I love you Richard, and I have never loved someone as much as I love you," I said he twirled me in the air "That's the best thing I've heard all my life" he smiled widely pushing my hair behind my ear. He smiled hugging me so hard.

"Is this true?" I looked at him seeing raindrops in his eyelashes "what is true, love?" he asked me with adoration in his eyes "this moment, these couple of minutes. Are they real?" I asked him "They are, I love you so much" he gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled

But he didn't know anything about me, what if he would want to leave me after he knows everything, after all, I'm the with the haunted past, Valentina, I could even cause him harm, I could get him fired from the company, I could break his heart after my death. "what's wrong?" I shook my head "what's wrong tell me" he looked me in the eye "what if I get you fired?" "I don't give a fuck, because I have you now" I smiled, how could he accept everything "Richard, I can't be the one who breaks down your future, you would be a wazzock if you accept that."

"I think wazzock means an idiot, you won't break my future, I'd be a definite wazzock if I let you go. And you won't be the one breaking down my future since you just quit and I rehired you" I smiled chuckling. "you would be breaking my future if you leave me"

"Except if I let you go, who would tell me British words that I don't understand?" I laughed. He thought for a minute "I can't even get fired from my own company, my father is the owner, and I'm the CEO and soon-to-be owner soooo it won't even work" "I love you Richard" I said, "I love you too" I smiled "so you won't leave me?" I shook my head "wouldn't dare" he smiled.

How can someone be like that? How can he love me or even like me? What does he see in me? I'm just a simple sick girl, nothing special. A 24-year-old woman. He may know things about me but not the things that are deep within me and for the first time in my life, I was scared to tell someone something, afraid to lose them. Too afraid. Because I loved him too much and I just can't risk it. I know it's gonna come out sometime, but I don't think it's soon enough. 

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