Chapter 24: Snickers

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"Munchkin wanna go for a walk?" She ran to me wiggling her tail "yeah?" I smiled, "alright let's go" I was wearing black leggings and a lavender t-shirt and was ready to go. Once I opened the door I saw Richard "Richard" I smiled hugging him "hi" he said and gave me a kiss. "How are you?" "I'm good, come in" Munchkin cried silently.

"Don't worry baby, you're going out today" I whispered petting her "Is this your dog?" "Yeah, Munchkin, you never saw her?" I smiled, Richard pet her shaking his head "she's so adorable" she literally got stuck with him "so you like him now" I asked Munchkin laughing "she's my new best friend" "ok, we'll see about that" I smiled.

"I almost forgot," he said reaching in his pocket "You forgot your charger" "You came all the way here just to give me my charger" I smiled, he's adorable "well maybe not just for the charger" I scrunched my eyebrows, not understanding. "maybe I just came here to stay a bit with you, cause I missed you" I pouted "Oh my God you're so cute" I hugged him "I'm not cute, more like handsome" I laughed "ok, fine, we'll stick with that" "good," he said chuckling "do you want anything to drink? Tea, coffee, anything" "How about a coffee?" He asked "coming right up"

We went to the kitchen ready to make the drinks "Were you going anywhere before I came?" "I was just going to take Munchkin for a walk," I said bringing the cups from the shelves "then let's go," he said, "are you sure? But the drinks" I asked him "we can make them when we come back" "ok then let's go."

We were at a park that Richard brought me to, a park I didn't even know yet it was very big. I unleashed Munchkin and she just kept running and running while Richard and I kept talking "this park, it's amazing" I said sitting on the floor, not because of anything, just because I like sitting on the grass in nature. "you never came here before?" I shook my head "this park has many of my memories" I smiled "I'm intrigued, tell me" he chuckled. 

"When I was young, we had a dog he was a German Shepard. God, I loved him. It was like I was his buddy. I got up everyday morning went for a run with him and walked him right after school, I walked him at night too. I remember every time I got home he would wiggle his tail and come running to me" I chuckled "I found out this park so I always brought him here and I always sat at this spot we're sitting in" "really" he nodded "what was his name?" "Snickers" I chuckled "he looked like it" I smiled "But when he died I was devastated" "I'm sorry" I hugged him "it's ok. We have yours now" I smiled "When I miss him I buy myself a Snickers and eat it" I giggled.

"So tell me about yourself," he said "nothing special, like literally" "That's definitely not true" he chuckled "I'm serious, you know everything about me. I'm a pretty boring person" I didn't want to tell him, I was afraid to tell him "come on, tell me about your family about England, and so on. And don't say you're boring 'cause you're not." "ok, fine." I took a deep breath.

"So I am 24 years old, I was born on November 29th so almost 25, in London and I lived there all my life until I came here. My mother's name was Celeste and my father's name was Thomas they had that true love that I never understood, they literally never fought except when they wanted the best for each other. We were at a rough part in our lives when my father died and with grief, my mother died a month later."

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to bring back any bad memories," he said engulfing me in a hug and kissing my head "It's ok. So they left me at my worst when my uncle had to take me as my guardian. So I wasn't very welcomed and he really didn't care about me being with his daughter and son. So when I graduated from school and was 17 I just left them, all of them. I wanted a new start, I went to a great college elsewhere, still being with my childhood best friend, and made my master's and here I am with you not knowing what I'm gonna do next"

"Wow, you've been through a tough life, but to assure you every single step of your way I'm gonna be there supporting you, and helping you up" I smiled "I still can't imagine that I'm with you and that you love someone like me is just out of this world, like literally do you see me?"

"I see you, Lina, I've seen you since the very start. And we are meant to be together. That when we bump into each other and just like each other before we talk in the streets of New York between thousands of people and that after 20 minutes I get to speak with you during the interview and not my dad? You are different and every day I saw you smile and talk with me, and do your best to make everything perfect. Oh, God. The kindness you give along with selflessness. I've never seen someone so perfect. Not even as near. I will do my best to give everything up, even if it means that I get to be with you. I've searched for you a lot. And just the moment that our eyes met oh God. I knew it was you. That perfect tiny ginger freckled girl just stole my heart. But when I was a jerk, I was afraid that a girl as perfect as you are won't like someone like me, for me I was lucky enough that I talked to you every day" I smiled.

"I love you very much Riccardo" I know he wouldn't like the name "Riccardo? Nope nope nope... don't call me that ever again" I laughed "I was just messing with you, I knew you wouldn't like it." He kissed me, Munchkin came and pulled us apart and laid on me "You're not jealous are you?" I laughed petting her.

We are home and we're making some coffee and tea. "So you know almost everything about me, tell me about you," I said smiling "ok so I am 29 years old I was born on the 17th of March, I have a sister and brother. Joelle and Daniel. Joelle is a dentist and Daniel is an architect. I'm the oldest, Joelle is 2 years younger than me and Daniel is 4 years younger than me. My mother's name is Christine and that's it I guess. That's my whole life." "You have a lovely family, I've seen them on your desk. Your dad is amazing," I smiled "he really likes you, I hate putting pictures on my desk. However, my sister once came and put the picture there and told me if I moved it she'll stick it on my desk and hang it on my wall. So no thanks." I chuckled my phone rang all of a sudden "just a second"

I picked it up "hello Valentina speaking" I answered "hello, good evening. You were supposed to come to a check-up today, the doctor said it was urgent since the last time w-" I stopped her "um yeah I know, I couldn't come" "would you like to postpone it to tomorrow?" I began walking to the table "um can you hold on for a minute?" I went to my calendar "yeah sure take your time" I ran to the table and looked through it "no I can't tomorrow" "how about the day after at 12" she suggested "perfect I'll be there" we closed the phone and I went to drink my tea with Richard.

"Who was that?" He asked sipping coffee from his cup "nobody important" "can I ask you a question?" I nodded "always" "what's wrong? When I came today it seemed like you were crying" how does he know me so well? "It's nothing" I couldn't tell him about Britany "I just missed Elena so much, we have never been so distant before" he nodded totally knowing that I was lying.

"So when we were in your office before Britany came in, you were saying stuff about unicorns," he said chuckling "hey, don't be talking bad about unicorns, they're a part of my childhood" he laughed "you're so innocent" "I was asking you why you were so bipolar" I stated "because I feel like nobody is good enough for my energy" he stated, "everyone is bad someway, but you." he stopped "oh you," he pointed at me "you are amazing, flawless" I looked down "I am not" "you are, you are" he stopped "you make me speechless, you make me calm." "Why don't you get angry at me?" I asked him "because you can do anything and I will not, cannot be angry at you, or mad at you" he caressed my cheek.

"I love you Richard" I stated "me too love" 

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