Chapter 22: Excuse Me?

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"I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Britany crossed her arms in front of her chest "actually you are," Richard said, "I just need to ask you something" he looked at her "in private" "ok well I was going to head out now," I said, "Actually, Britany you need to go to work, cause I need to be somewhere more important." She was literally red "so" he pointed her to go out.

He offered me his hand for me to take it. I gladly put my hand in his, then he literally pulled me out the door, "Where are we going?" He just smiled "Richard" I whisper shouted. Then we entered the office I fear the most, the owner of the company, Mr. George Pierce, Richard's father. I don't want to make a bad impression, even though we meet at least 2 times a week when we have a meeting.

"Good morning, dad" "Good morning, Richard" he smiled, he seemed like a lovely man outside the meeting room, I think they have that special bond. "Good morning, Mr. Pierce." "Valentina" he smiled. I got scared, did he hear anything about me? "I heard a lot about you" I'm damned "good things" I sigh "Thank you so much, sir. It's my pleasure working for your firm." As if he never heard that sentence from me.

"You finally told her huh?" Richard nodded smiling "Finally, took you long enough. He'd talk about you for hours and hours an-" "I don't even talk to you for five minutes" Richard looked at him annoyed "well, we better go now before you hear anything more" my beloved said, "what? I want to hear" I said pouting "definitely not" he had a tint of pink on his cheeks "Don't worry Valentina, I'll catch you at a time he's not here and tell you all the stories he has said," Mr. Pierce said "I'm definitely looking forward to that day," I said laughing "it's a pleasure to meet you Valentina again, welcome to our family" oh my God, did he just say welcome to our family, how am I feeling so appreciated, loved, and welcomed in the world all of a sudden?

I was exiting the company when Britany appeared. "finally did it?" "excuse me?" I asked her "finally had sex with him? Don't play stupid with me. I know people like you. You come from that rich family where mommy and daddy love you, where you were popular at school and college, got into a college with a poor GPA and daddy paid his way up while you were making your nails. Got a fake master's degree and came to him to be your sugar daddy. I get you bitch, where you just convince him that you love him but you're a hoe. I'm the only one who gets you. Bye bitch." I had tears in my eyes. How can someone be like that? 

"Oh, and those tears don't work for me. Behind those 'innocent' eyes and 'innocent' small body, there is something. Something that's really bad and fishy, and I'm not stopping till I reach it. Until I get what I want, don't think I'm helpless and desperate, I will get what I want when I want." "I'm not who you think I am, you don't know me one bit. I'm not like you who wants money to stay at home, just a 'sugar daddy' I am here because I deserve to be here. You won't last a day in my life. I didn't come here for love, but yet I found it, I found him. I will do whatever it takes to keep it and take care of it. Don't you dare talk about me, my family, or Richard like that again"

I called a cab and just went home. 

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