Chapter 40: Golf and Theatre

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We were at the dinner table and began eating "Oh my god, your food is delicious" "thank you, nobody in this house appreciates anything" Christine said. "hey, I appreciate you" George said and kissed her hand. They looked lovely together, they were joking and holding hands, sneaking looks "Can I ask a question if you don't mind" "Of course, go ahead" George said, "I can't help but notice that you look lovely together, how did you meet?"

"Oh god, you bring the best memories back," Christine said smiling "We were both at the golf club, he had just joined it." His lips moved upward smiling"I couldn't help but notice that beautiful girl there. I was 25 and she was 21" he held her hand "We had a match my friend and I. And it was my last shot and like five cm away" she said, "I didn't know what to do to catch her attention. So I threw my ball in her hole." He chuckled "I took the ball out and took a deep breath and was about to fight someone. I turned around and saw that handsome man. My tongue was tied in knots and I couldn't say anything" "wow" I smiled. "that's amazing." "Yeah and 35 years later I am blessed with this gorgeous breathtaking woman."

"How did your parents meet?" Joelle asked I chuckled. "My parents were in a private school in England. So no sneaking kisses, holding hands, or anything like that, and mum didn't even know my dad he was kind of the bad boy. My mum was into drama and theater, and my dad got into an argument so he was forced by the school to perform in the next play. Which was Romeo and Juliet. My Mum was Juliet and my father was Romeo. He didn't take it seriously at first. But he told me every time they practiced he fell in love with her more and more. So on the opening night when there weren't supposed to be any kisses he kissed her in front of the whole school. After that, they told each other that's it." "oh my god it's like a true love story" I nodded "do you have a picture of them" I nodded "would you mind if I took my phone out" they shook their heads.

After a second the picture was on "How are they like that? They're like drawn or something." They passed the phone around the table. "don't you have a picture of yourself as a child?" I shook my head "they're all in London. I left everything because I wasn't sure if I was going to stay, I moved around in a few places not knowing where I'll go. So I left them there" they got quiet "But I am now, so I wanted to go get my stuff to get settled" they all sigh and laughed "oh thank goodness" "what did you think?" I asked them "we just thought you were going to leave," Daniel said "Oh no he's stuck with me, not going to leave him after I found him" I looked at Richard, and he smiled a warm smile "I love you," he said, "yeah me too."

"Richard talks about you a lot," I said, "what?" Joelle asked "Yeah I promise" "never thought I'd hear this sentence" I raised my eyebrows "why?" I asked them "well you see since Richard is the oldest he went into high school first" I nodded "no, no please," Richard said groaning, Joelle smirked and continued "and when we entered high school, he forbid us to talk to him" "no, that's not it, Joelle stop it," He said, "and he'd tell us that when people ask us if we had a brother we shouldn't mention him." "why?" I asked "he was that popular, bad boy, that everybody steps away for him to walk, that breaks every girl's heart, he had everyone's respect. The playboy, sport's boy" Daniel said, "but I realized he was actually too kind, overprotective actually" I smiled.

"I was sitting alone crying because a boy had just broken my heart and I had a blue arm because he held me too tight. So we were in the middle of class and he heard me and took me and ran into class and took the boy and called everyone out of class and hit him. Causing him to get a three-day suspension and a week of detention and me to like him more" she ended "that's nice" I said.

Christine made a cake and when I put the first bite in my mouth I had nostalgia. "Oh my God," I said, "This is amazing," "really?" I nodded "it tastes just like my mother's, it's wonderful," "thank god" Christine sighed in relief "The snow cookies are amazing. I think I'll need the recipe for it." She said I smiled.

"Speaking of food, on our first date I took Lina to Daniel's she thought it was you who made it. I told her little do you know if you left Dan alone in the kitchen for a few seconds it will burn down" they laughed "That's so true, one time it cost me two grand because he wanted to do some pancakes" George said, I chuckled "hey, hey. I was 18 and I learned how to cook, ok I'll show you. Tomorrow I'll make pancakes for breakfast. And Valentina will judge" they all looked at me. "I can't." I said, "why?" They pouted. I didn't have a reason I just didn't like breaking people's hearts "Ok, ok. Fine, I'll be fair with you." Richard saved me and put his hand on my thigh caressing it. I sigh in relief. "great so you will be staying then" Joelle said. What? When did this happen? "I don't have anything tomorrow," Daniel said, "yeah me too," Joelle said, "wait you can't just say you want us to sleep over without asking her first" Richard said, "okay discuss it and tell us what both of you want to do," Daniel said.

"So, do you want to sleep over?" "I don't know I mean I guess but isn't going to be a little bit weird? It's like the first time I'm seeing them" I said playing with his hand "what? Not at all they love you" "umm," I was hesitant "if you don't want to you don't have to," "it's okay I guess" I said, "we are in" "yes" they cheered. 

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