Chapter 70: It's Over, Valentina

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We were in Marc and Fred's room and I was reading them Jack and the beanstalk. I was at the last line when I looked at them and they were asleep, sound and peacefully asleep. I covered them well and when I was going out of the door I saw Richard smiling.

"You're great with children," he said putting his arms around my waist "One day when we have a child or more they'll be so lucky to have a mother like you" Oh my God did he say that? "I'm so lucky to have you love," I kissed him.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow" I heard the voice of the rebel "Valentina, I missed you" he hugged me, so this is Chris a teen who has a crush on me and thinks that one day we'll be together. "How are you?" "I'm good now that you're here" he winked.

"Aren't we over this already?" I asked him "nope, it's fate, I'm yours and you're mine, and nothing can tear us apart. I love you Valentina" I chuckled.

"Well, I have to introduce you to someone" I turned around and looked at Richard who was rather amused "yeah, I know he's your friend from work, Ryan I think? Hi I'm Chris" he shook Richard's hand I silently laughed "I'm her future husband" Chris stated.

"I'm Richard actually, her fiancé and we're getting married in a month and a half" "What?" He shouted "You cheated on me Valentina? I thought we were more than that. You know what? It's over, Valentina" he ran into his room "I'm sorry Chris" he slammed his door, I just laughed quietly and buried my head in Richard's chest, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Is he ok?" He chuckled putting his hands around my waist "he had a whole scenario made up for them in the future. Getting married, feeding each other in the mouth, traveling the world together, and you don't want to hear the rest" Elena said, "You really don't want to hear it" I agreed with Elena. "ok, he's pretty amusing" Richie said, "more than you know" Brian said laughing.

"You didn't tell him about the engagement?" I asked Elena, "of course not. Do you want him to kill me?" I chuckled "then what was your excuse for coming to America?" "I told him you were sick and in the hospital and that you needed me" I raised my eyebrows "and since you 'don't have anybody there' I had to come" "you literally had this scenario made up just because you didn't want to tell him?" she nodded and Richard laughed.

We talked and talked and laughed, Elena is my maid of honor and she's going to come to New York in like 30 days and we're going to see her tomorrow in school, I'm still debating whether I should go or not, I'm way too scared. But what makes me comfortable and in peace is that Richard's going to be there with me.

"Show me your childhood pictures," he said "they're not really nice," I said "come on, you're always beautiful, besides you saw mine" I smiled "no I'm not," "come on show them to me, we're here," he said "Trust me, you don't want to see them," I said "come on you know me" "yes exactly, I know you and I love you too much to show them to you, I was ugly." I reasoned.

"You were never ugly, never. Listen to me and look me in the eyes" I looked him in the eyes "you are as beautiful as the sun and an aurora, as colorful as the rainbows, as kind as a child, as sweet as a lolly pop, and your smiles brightens up the world. Your dimples, your bright ginger curly hair, your light icy ocean eyes, your freckles, and your heart. For me, you're a wonder. Your kindness is like snow, that beautifies the surroundings. When things are hard for you I am happy to help, and I know you would do the same for me. You don't have to do things alone. We fall, we break, and sometimes we fail, but then we rise, we heal, and we overcome. You're so beautiful that no words can ever describe it. In my eyes, you are a goddess. So next time when you think of beautiful things, you're always first on the list baby" he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you princess" "me too," " soooo, are you going to show them to me?" I laughed "fine" I got up "but it will take me a minute" he nodded "I'm coming with you."

"Ohhhh mmmmmyyyyy gooooddddd" he smiled and gasped "You were so cute, you weren't chubby. You were so beautiful, so cute oh my god. I've seen it all. Literally," "you're too kind" I shuffled through other pictures "no really, wide blue eyes, with curly red hair and freckles on a child. And literally not any child, you." I smiled "thank you" we kept talking about the pictures and the memories but the only ones I didn't show him were the ones when I had anorexia.

It's the day and it's 5 pm and we're on our way to the reunion Elena and Brian are in front of us "we don't have to enter you know that? I'm with you till death peaches" I nodded "we're here, so go on"

"Lina" I looked at Richard "Yeah?" "I know we're here, but if you don't want to do it, just don't. It's not worth it." He looked concerned. "umm, everything is going to be alright, since you're with me," I said smiling "ok, but if anything happens and you just don't feel like staying it's okay if we go" I nodded "thank you for staying by my side" "always" he gave me a peck.

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