how I think you would celebrate Christmas with them!

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Heyo before this begins I have no clue when I posting this it might be after my birthday or before or just after Christmas. And if I'm wrong about any characters let me know.

Mercy: I feel like mercy loves Christmas but she celebrated it alone or at least with a patient. After she met you she was thrilled that she could celebrate Christmas with someone she loves. If you not a Christmasy person she would understand, but after all she just wants to spend time with you.

Genji: after hanzo killed him he didn't care for anything until zenyatta got him through his em- I mean hanzo phase. So after that he wanted to do everything single with you that was Christmasy, making snowmen , snowball fights , drinking hot chocolate and ect. He really enjoys Christmas.

Hanzo: hanzo isn't a Christmasy person. But he does celebrate it, when he was with his clan he didn't celebrate many holidays but Christmas was an exception. After he kidnapped you he kinda enjoyed Christmas a little more, he would decorate the Christmas tree and make hot chocolate for you but he doesn't enjoy playing in the snow tho.

Mcree/ Cassidy: this man likes Christmas he wouldn't say love. Hes the type of person that just decorate the Christmas tree and wouldn't do anything else Christmasy until Christmas dinner, but after he kidnapped you he would try and pull the best Christmas ever for you.

Tracer: tracer loves Christmas. She loves the decorations on the streets of London and the Christmas lights when they put it on (if you don't know what I'm talking about, in the UK there's we put up a tree in the town(which is like a mall where I am from) and put lights on it). Tracer would take you to see the lights even every your ethier In trouble or you deserved it, she would all ways take you to see it.

Soldier 76: soldier 76 likes Christmas. Not because of the weather, songs, decorations. No he loves it because of the dad jokes. But in all honesty I think he would try and give you a good Christmas. He would play in the snow with you and would sometimes scare you whenever he activates his tactical visor and uses it on you. But at the end of the day he makes up for it with hot chocolate and dad jokes.

Sorry if most of it was males I tried my best to think about more but I'm tired so, sorry if i got a bit lazy at some parts.

Counted words: 435

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