pt2 of u being a yandere for mercy

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FellaEla445 asked for a pt2 and I was happily to do it.

Characters you, mercy and mentions of genji

You finally had a plan for mercy to break up with genji. You thought the best way for mercy to break up with genji is pretend that genji hurt you.

But when you did mercy thought that you did it, Which you did. So you made another plan what if genji broke up with mercy.

You had to find information about what she did in the old days. The perfect person to ask was moria, sure it may be cruel but a ninja cyborg stole your mother away from you and he had to pay.

You asked Moria what she did in the old days "oh yes...if I'm being honest she was a goodie tooshie she didn't do anything wrong" she said. You were about to give up, you were in your room sitting on your bed.

Mercy knocked on the door "angle? You in there" she asked politely "yea" you whispered loud enough for mercy to hear you. She opens the door walking towards you and kneeling down.

"Um..dove I have something to tell you" she put a hand on your cheek, you looked at her in curiousty"I...I broke up with genji" you were surprised, this wasn't the plan but hey at least there not together but you can't celebrate you have to act sad.

"Why?" You asked in a clam voice "well I could tell that you didn't like genji and I thought it was probably a bit sudden to date awell" she spoke softly. You felt a little bit guilty, she smiled softly but you could tell that she was sad.

"Oh.. sorry" you apologized. She was about to say something but didn't, all she did was pull you into hug. Well that wasn't in your plan but at least you've got your mother all to your again.

Counted words: 327

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