blackwatch reaper

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Do I know anything from the blackwatch lore. No. Do I know anything from what happened in blackwatch. No. Do I know the characters in blackwatch. YESSIR.

Credits: you, reaper/Gabriel and soldier/jack

You were adopted by overwatch because you lost your parents during a mission. Jack Morrison took you in as his child, meanwhile Gabriel was jealous of jack.

He found you first, he should have been your dad, not jack! But in honesty Gabriel scared you. You didn't know why he let off an unsettling vibe to you.

You were currently helping jack out with his work "alright little soldier, take this and go hand it to Gabriel office" he handed a file of papers to you. You hesitated for a moment, you really didn't want to go to his office.

"Ok.." you muttered, slowly walking out the office. You finally reached Gabriel office, you inhaled the air around you holding your breath and finally exhaling opening the door to Gabriel office.

You creeped into the office trying not to get Gabriel attention, he was sitting at his desk doing his work but you had already failed. He already noticed you.

"Hello little crow, how can I help you?" He said. You hesitated and showed him the files, he had a wicked smile on his face "why don't you hand that to me eh?" You slowly walked to his desk.

You puted the file on his desk. "Oh no no no hand it to me hand and hand" you stared at him a little bit scared. He reached out his hand for you to hand over the file.

Your hand shakely handed the file. All of the he grabbed your hand, you screamed out of fear and surprised. He let out a loud laugh at your expression.

"Papa! Papa!" You called out. His grip tightens around your hand "you know I should have been your father, not jack, you should be my child" you tried pulling away.

"Papa!" You screamed on the top of your lungs. Jack busted threw the door seeing what was happening to you, he ran over to you picking you up making Gabriel let go of you.

"Gabe what the hell were you doing! If you ever touch my child again I will rip you to shreds!" Jack went back to his office.

You started to sob into jack shoulder. He comforted you until you fell asleep, he walked to your room tucking you into your bed, when jack left the room another person came into the room.

It was Gabriel. You didn't even hear him, you were soundly a sleep, you couldn't scream for help. You were doomed, this was your fate.

Counted words: 453

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