info about the reader I write (important kinda)

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Ok let me explain.

Gender - You guys know that the reader I write is a gender neutral stuff the only reason is why is because I always stick on one gender I think that's a bit unfair for the other one so I choose gender neutral so there will be no fuss about it.

Age - ok I do stuff like 7 - lower ages. Wait a minute why haven't I done a baby reader fanfic then. THAT WAS OFF TRACK ,I'm trying to say is I'm more use to writing about younger people because now a days I can't understand like 8 - 10 years olds.

Parents - ok this one is a bit hard to explain but Bair with me. Sometimes I put the reader / you  with a character because it's easier but most of the time i put you with parents, if you have shitty parents in real life I'm a so sorry my bad.

But if I'm going to be honest with you I don't like writing about a broken family or anything abusive because that's either to overrated (for most fanfics) or it just puts the mood down which I don't like. I don't like abuse verbal or physical I will never write a fanfic full of that.

Personality - ok I will try to explain this as much as possible. In most of my fanfics I would try and write about the reader/ you feelings, if you think I write them a bit whiny, too sweet or just a scared cat it's because I try to write how an actual person would feel if they witnessed a death or getting kidnapped. And don't forget about kids reactions aswell, If I was kidnapped I would be terrified out my mind.

Alright that's all I'm going to talk about right now so have a good day/afternoon/ night

Counted words: 310

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