Chapter 1

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Vanakam, vanthanam, namaskaram, Selamat Datang 🤭🙊

* Welcome to Great Kirikalan Magic Show. Alai tharanthu vanduruka yen rasigai permakal yellorkom yen anbana vanakam*-> 🙆



he sun was shining brightly. The breeze carried the sweet smelling air around, gently shwashing her long dyed brown hair. Butterflies flew in pair, dancing around the bushes as she crouched infront of her house, biting her lips, her eyebrows furrowing in concentration as she took a small pinch of the yellow rangoli, extending her hands filled with blue bangles towards the center of the kolam.

" Alli bear!"

She yelped and nearly toppled on the kolam as the two rambitious twins giggled before running away from her. Alli shook her head exasperatedly, tucking her hair behind her ears, in the process smudging a subsequent amount of yellow colour on her right cheek.

" Ram! Krish! " Thara shouted as she hurried down the stairs holding a wet towel.

Thara's eyes narrowed in resignation as the twins wiggled their bum at her before running towards Aaryn who was sitting on the garden, smoking his cigar as he flipped the newspaper.

Alli giggled seeing Aaryn smirking at Thara before carrying the twins each in his arms before walking towards them. Thara raised her eyebrows at the boys who grinned innocently before obediently walking towards their maid who was drenched from top to bottom.

Aaryn grinned, pulling Thara towards him. Alli blushed and shook her head in amusement while Thara was hissing at Aaryn. Alli grinned and turned to finish up the kolam.

The main gate opened and a Ducati Bike zoomed inside. Venkat quickly got down, opening his helmet from his face. Aaryn furrowed his eyebrows, pursing his lips together while Alli looked at Venkat's pale face.

" Yenda ipidi irruke ?" Thara asked Venkat who exhaled his breath.

" Raghav yenna achu ?" Aaryn asked the young man who was straddling the Ducati.

" Chitapa...periya thata..." Raghav said with a heavy voice.

Thara's eyes widened while Alli gasped. Aaryn furrowed his eyebrows.

" Thata ke yenna da achu !" Thara asked in a hysterical tone.

Ram and Krish who tried to evade their maid stopped short hearing their mother's tone. The twins quickly rushed outside in their towel looking at their brother and cousin while Aaryn was trying to calm Thara down.

" Amma please! Ninge ipidi iruntha aprom yepidi...Thata ke onnum airukathu...Namma povum mothele...Raghav konjam neram wait pannum...onna polam," Alli said.

" OK Ka," Raghav said before climbing down the bike. Alli ushered the twins inside and nod to their maid before walking to her room. She quickly tied her hair into a low bun, changed  from her nightgown to a simple yellow chudhidar. She walked out of her room and rushed down the stairs before grabbing a kit on the study room and her handbag.

Aaryn, Thara alongside the twins were waiting for her. Alli nod her head to Aaryn who then walked out of the house with the twins. Raghav and Venkat were already on Raghav's bike.  Alli and the twins climbed on the back seat while Thara sat on the passenger seat. Aaryn waved the driver away and quickly climbed on the driver seat. The Ducati zoomed away followed by the blue BMW.

When the family reached Anirudh's house, a big crowd was already assembled. Saritha and Anirudh looked worried as they stood on the edge of the bed. Vaishnavi was crying while Lakshmi sat on the recliner looking out of sorts.

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