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Scene: Luka's room. On Luka's computer, music is playing called "Big Bang" by Clara Nightingale.

Clara: ♫Don't you stop, dancing to the music.
Baby! Yeah, it's like a miracle.
Don't you stop, dancing to the music,
Music, oh, it's getting physical!
Don't you stop, dancing to the music. ♫
Alec: And that was Clara Nightingale's hit single "Big Bang" for us!
Tikki: Wow! That girl is incredible!
Luka: She's talented, and it's clear she's passionate about her art.
Alec: Clara, in just a few short months you've become an international sensation with your ultra-unique singing and style. Apparently, you even sing and dance in your sleep! Do you ever stop?
Clara: (while dancing) Never, you see.
Dancing and singing are everything to me.
And I'm happy to share the joy of song and dance
To the amazing people of France!
Tikki: Impressive!
Alec: You've come to Paris to film the video for your next song, which is gonna be titled "Miraculous".
Clara: I really admire and adore
Coccinelle and Chat Noir.
An homage to them I wanted to pay
Because they inspire me every single day!
(Luka's eyes widen)
Alec: Auditions will be held at the Grand Palais Hotel, is that right? A little birdie told me that you already found your Chat Noir. Care to share the good news?
Clara: My lips are sealed,
But soon he'll be revealed.
We must still cast Coccinelle and extras, by the way.
So come on out and audition today!
(Suddenly, Luka's phone buzzes; it's Adrien calling. He takes it out and answers it)
Luka: Hello?
Adrien: Luka, hey. Um... I'm sorry to do this, but I'm not gonna be able to make it for movie night later. Something came up.
Luka: What's going on?
Adrien: My father just told me. Apparently he suggested I be Chat Noir in Clara Nightingale's new music video.
Luka: Adrien, that's amazing! Congratulations!
Adrien: Thanks, but it's gonna take some time; we'll probably be filming for the rest of the day. Ugh, I just wish my father would've told me sooner so it didn't mess up our plans.
Luka: I could always come with you, that way we could still hang out today.
Adrien: I don't know, Luka. It's gonna be hours, and it'll probably get really boring really fast; I wouldn't want you to waste your whole day.
Luka: Don't be silly, it's no big deal. Besides, I'd rather spend the day with you, even if you are busy.
Adrien: Thanks, Luka. You're the best.
Luka: I'll meet you at the Grand Palais in say... 20 minutes?
Adrien: Sounds good, I'll see you there. And Luka?
Luka: Yeah?
Adrien: Thanks for always being there for me.
Luka: Of course, Adrien. Always.
(Luka and Adrien hang up, and Luka goes to leave. Before he reaches the door, Tikki flies in front of him)
Tikki: You're not auditioning for the role of Coccinelle, are you?
Luka: (as he lets Tikki rest in his hands) Of course not. We're just going to support Adrien; I doubt we'll even make it in the music video.
Tikki: All right then, Luka.

Scene: Outside the Grand Palais. Luka bikes up to Adrien, who is just stepping out of his car.

Luka: Hey, Adrien!
Adrien: Luka! Thanks so much for coming,
I was really dreading having to stay here all day with no company.
(Adrien's bodyguard clears his throat from the car. Adrien chuckles, before turning to him)
Adrien: That's different, you know what I mean. (He turns to Luka) It's good to have a friend here to support me.
Luka: Of course, Adrien. Are you ready?
Adrien: Ready as I'll ever be.

Scene: Inside the Grand Palais. Auditionees for Clara Nightingale's video have gathered in a line.

Stagehand: (pointing) Extras on the left; auditionees for Coccinelle on the right.
(In a dressing trailer, Adrien has put on the suit, bell, tail, and ear components of the Chat Noir costume he was given, and is examining himself in a mirror while holding the face mask)
Plagg: Great choice of fabric! And these seams! (gasps) Amazing craftsmanship!
Adrien: There's no way I can wear this!
Plagg: Yeah, I've always found that little bell so ridiculous! Then again, the costume is what you really wanted deep down, isn't it?
Adrien: No, Plagg. I mean that everyone's gonna realize that I'm the real Chat Noir!
Plagg: No way! People are blind!
Stagehand: (through the door, which he knocks on) You ready, Adrien?
Adrien: (anxiously) Aah, uh, coming! Just a sec! (worriedly, to Plagg) If they see me with this mask on, they're all gonna recognize me for sure! (He places the mask within a pile of folded fabric on a shelf) I can't wear it! Right. Now I'm gonna try to act as lame as I possibly can. Hopefully they'll have no choice but to replace me. (He opens the door and gasps when he sees the array of people gathered in the main area)
(In the central area of the main room, a stage with a backdrop has been set up, and two long lines of auditionees to either side have formed in front of it, those for Coccinelle on the right, those as extras on the left. Clara Nightingale is standing on the stage with her star-adorned microphone, greeting the auditionees)
Clara: Thank you for coming, all of you!
This is like a dream come true!
Together we'll all dance and sing;
It's going to be awesome and amazing!
(Alya, Marinette, Rose, Juleka, Alix and Mylène are standing in the extras line)
Alya: (excitedly) We're gonna be in Clara Nightingale's music video! This is humongous!
Marinette: (shrieks with delight) I can't believe this is happening!
Clara: And now, meet our rising star,
Adrien as Chat Noir!
(Luka, who was waiting outside the trailer, puts a reassuring hand on Adrien's shoulder, and Adrien walks out toward the stage, waving briefly. The extras react excitedly, and his classmates wave hello. Adrien smiles nervously at the line and waves some more. Adrien walks up to the front of the stage, where Nathalie is holding a tablet with Gabriel seen on it, and the stagehand stands nearby)
Gabriel: (to Adrien) The costume fits you like a glove, as I knew it would. But, where is your mask?
Adrien: (nervous about lying) Uh, I couldn't find it anywhere.
Stagehand: I'll take care of it! (dashes off)
Clara: It's no biggie; it's okay.
We don't need the mask for tryouts anyway.
Come on!
(The first few Coccinelle auditionees step forward. There are brief shots of various, often inept, auditionees onstage with Adrien, and Clara's skittish reactions. While the auditions are happening, Luka goes to say hi to his classmates.
Luka: Hey girls, here to try out for the music video?
Alix: You bet!
Mylène: But what are you doing here, Luka? I didn't think acting was your thing.
Luka: (chuckles) I'm just here for Adrien; he needed someone familiar around for moral support.
Rose: That's so sweet, Luka! We're sorry we didn't mention anything about coming to you.
Luka: It's totally fine. Besides, Juleka knows being the center of attention isn't really my thing. Right, Jules?
Juleka: Right. You totally could've still come with us though, even if you weren't gonna be in the music video.
Luka: Thanks, sis.
(Luka turns to look at the stage. He spots Adrien, still standing alongside the auditionees. He's about to start the conversation back up, but Alya beats him to it)
Alya: (to Marinette) Didn't I tell you that Adrien looks a little bit like Chat Noir?
Marinette: Unh, whatever! He's a thousand times more amazing than Chat Noir!
(Luka is surprised to hear Marinette talk so negatively about someone. Even if Adrien is her friend, she doesn't know Chat Noir, and the tone seemed a little harsh. More auditionees step up to the stage. Eventually Clara sees that there are no more Coccinelle auditionees, but then glances at the extras, and gets an idea. She picks up a tray of Chouquettes from a table by the stage, and carries it over to the extras)
Clara: You must be starving
From all this waiting!
Marinette: Oh, look! She's coming in our direction!
(While carrying the tray, Clara deliberately trips herself up, tossing the tray in the air, and falling to the floor. Many of the extras gasp, Luka, who is on the same side of the rope, runs over to help Clara back to her feet; but Clara hugs him instead)
Clara: There you are! Here's a hug,
Because you're our ladybug!
Luka: (anxious about the implication) What?! No, I-
(Clara stands herself and Luka up, and twirls him around)
Clara: You did what Coccinelle would have, just the same.
Your heart is pure, like his. What's your name?
Luka: Uh, Luka.
Clara: Luka! Say it's so!
Will you please play Coccinelle in my video?
(Luka is about to protest, when the girls cut him off)
Alya: Yes! He'd be awesome!
Rose: Go, Luka! You deserve it!
(Luka turns to look over at Adrien onstage, before turning back to Clara)
Luka: That's so nice of you, but I came here to support Adrien. I really wasn't planning on being in the music video.
(Luka's friends gasp in shock. Clara stands up again)
Luka: (thinks for a second) Actually, these girls here are my friends too. I'm sure they'd love to be in your music video.
(The girls gasp again)
Clara: That's a pity, a shame; but I understand it's true.
That's a very cool gesture, very Coccinelle of you!
(Clara takes Luka over and sits him in a chair by a trailer)
You can just relax over here, okay?
I'll ask your friends to be sent over right away!
Luka: Thank you.
(Clara turns and walks away. Suddenly, Luka is bombarded by hugs from his classmates)
Mylène: (hugging Luka) You're crazy!
Alya: (joining in the hug) You turned down starring in a Clara Nightingale music video?
Marinette: (also joining the hug) And got us spots in it instead?!
Rose: (joining in as well) You are the best!
(Juleka and Alix also join in the group hug)
(Outside the hotel, a stretch limousine pulls up. Chloé steps out, dressed in her Coccinelle costume, and sporting a Coccinelle-style wig)
Chloé: (now inside, walking past the line of extras) Thank you all for coming. You can go home now.
Alya: (Noticing Chloé) Uh, heads up; brat alert in the immediate vicinity.
Marinette: Don't worry. Knowing Nightingale, Chloé doesn't stand a chance of being chosen.
(Luka blanches, surprised to once again hear Marinette talking in such a cruel tone)
Chloé: (to Clara, while walking up onstage) Your "Coccinelle" has arrived! (in Clara's face) So when does the shoot begin?
Adrien: Chloé, everyone has to audition. You know that!
Chloé: (doing arm stretches) Oh yeah, that little formality.
(Chloé walks to one side, then launches into a series of expert dance moves, after which the extras in line cheer wildly)
Chloé: Aaah... ha ha. It's been a while. Eight years of private classes with Aurélie Dupont from the Paris Op-er-a. I know. I'm breathtaking. (The air sparkles around her)
Clara: You've definitely got enough talent for me,
But you and Chat Noir have to be a good match, you see.
Chloé: No problem! (hugging Adrien) Adrikins and I have known each other since we were little!
Clara: Hmmm.
Mayor Bourgeois: (standing up just offstage) The son of the world's greatest fashion designer and the daughter of the Mayor of Paris — that would be just perfect!
(Marinette growls)
Luka: Is something wrong, Marinette?
Marinette: (angrily) Chloé playing Coccinelle? No way we can let that happen! If I were Coccinelle, I wouldn't want a brat like Chloé playing me!
(Clara thinks for a moment, and walks to the stage edge where Nathalie is standing. She kneels down to talk to Gabriel, who is on Nathalie's tablet)
Clara: What do you think, Gabriel?
Gabriel: Hmmm. Artistically speaking, the young man with the ombre would've been ideal; but it's time to start filming. We'll make do with Miss Bourgeois.
Clara: I trust you, Gabriel.
Chloé: (stll hugging Adrien, who has been resisting) Woohoo! (to Adrien) We're both going to be in a music video, Adrikins! ...Or should I say, Adri-cat! (laughs) Get it? "Adri-cat"?
Adrien: Adri-cat, yeah. (He chuckles nervously)
(Luka can see how uncomfortable Adrien is. He knows Adrien hates when Chloé makes moves on him, and seeing how miserable it makes him, Luka can't help himself)
Luka : (standing up) Hey wait!... I changed my mind, I do wanna be Coccinelle.
(Tikki quietly gasps in Luka's jacket)
Clara: Awesome! This will be the best video yet!
(She hugs Luka on both cheeks)
(to a fuming Chloé) I'm really sorry, what's-your-name,
But you can still be an extra in the video, if you're game!
Chloé: (outraged) What?! You want me to be a mere... extra?!
(She storms away, followed by her father)
Chloé: Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!
(Outside the hotel, Chloe's butler lets Chloé into the limousine, and then gives her her teddy bear, Mr. Cuddly, on a tray)
Chloé: (taking Mr. Cuddly, and tossing him on the seat next to her) Ugh! Stop annoying me with that stupid dumb bear, Jean-Eudes! (She sits for a moment, then picks up Mr. Cuddly and starts sucking her thumb, until she gets a wonderful, awful idea, and gasps) Hmmm.
(Inside a dressing trailer, Luka has put on a Coccinelle costume given to him, except for the mask, which he is holding, as he examines himself in a mirror)
Tikki: Ooh! Great choice of fabric! And these seams! Amazing craftsmanship! Almost like the real thing, don't you think?
Luka: It's a little too well done! Oh wow, Tikki; I really messed up this time, but I couldn't just let Chloé make Adrien uncomfortable like that. If everyone sees me with this mask on, they're all gonna recognize me for sure! There's no way I can wear it!
Stagehand: (through the door, which he knocks on) You ready, Luka?
Luka: (anxiously) Yes, I'm coming! (He places the mask within a pile of folded fabric on a shelf, and runs out to the stage)
Alya: (pointing) There he is!
(Alya, Marinette, and the rest of Luka's friends cheer on Luka)
Clara: Spot on! And spotlight!
(Spotlights switch on)
Clara: (to Luka and Adrien) So, you're Coccinelle and Chat Noir, right?
Luka and Adrien: No! Uh... uh... yeah! (both chuckle) Aah...

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