The Puppeteer 2

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Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien is playing his piano with Plagg when there's a knock at the door.

Plagg: Whoa! (He hides in the piano)
Nathalie: (walks in) Ready to go, Adrien?
Adrien: (sighs) Nathalie, since this is gonna take a while, can I bring a friend?
Nathalie: (nods) Hmm.

Scene: The Césaire apartment. Alya and Nino are playing a dancing game when Adrien video calls Nino.

Nino: Whassup, bro?
Adrien: Nino, I've got to go back to the Grévin Wax Museum. Do you want to come with me this time?
Nino: Sure thing, dude. I'll be right there— (sees Alya glaring at him) Uh, eh, actually, Alya and I are hanging together today. (Alya points at herself, then at Adrien) Wait! Do you think Alya could come too?

Scene: Adrien's room.

Adrien: Can I bring two friends?
Nathalie: (nods) Hmm.

Scene: Césaire apartment.

Alya: Hey, wait! (She pulls out her phone)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is sewing when she receives a video call from Alya.

Marinette: Hey, girl.
Alya: Marinette, you are coming with me and Nino to the Grévin Wax Museum. Adrien invited us!
Marinette: Ah! Wha! But! Nuh—!

Scene: Césaire apartment.

Alya: There's no saying no. We're coming to get you now. You don't have a choice, girl!
Nino: (to Adrien) Oh- uh... Alya just invited Marinette.
Adrien: Actually I-
Alya: It'll be great! It's ok, right, Adrien?
Adrien: Oh... uh- y-yeah. It's- it's totally fine...

Scene: Adrien's room.

Adrien: (anxiously) Can we make that... three?
Nathalie: (rolls her eyes, but nods) Mhmm.

Scene: Marinette's room.

Manon: But Marinette! (She holds up a drawing of herself) What about my superhero costume? (She pouts) Hmph, everyone always forgets about me.
Marinette: Sorry, guys. I'm looking after Manon this afternoon. Go ahead without me.

Scene: Césaire apartment. Alya looks at Nino, and Nino looks at Adrien. The scene switches to Adrien's room.

Adrien: Would four work? Actually, more like three and a half.
Nathalie: I'll see what I can do.
Nino: Alright, dude, we'll see you soon.
(Nino hangs up, and Nathalie starts to walk out of the room)
Adrien: Wait! Can I bring one more friend along? I- I don't think I'll be able to manage without him...
Nathalie: Of course, Adrien.
(Nathalie leaves, and Adrien starts to call Luka)
Luka: Hello?
Adrien: Hi, Luka...
Luka: Hey, Adrien. Is something wrong?
Adrien: Well, I have to go to the Grévin Wax Museum; they need me to redo a part of my statue.
Luka: That sounds like fun.
Adrien: And it would be. I planned on inviting you and Nino, but when I called, Nino was hanging out with Alya. He asked if she could come along too, which I was fine with, but then she invited Marinette...
Luka: Without asking you?
Adrien: You know how pushy she can be. And I was too anxious to disagree.
Luka: Well, I'll be happy to go along with you Adrien. If you want me to, that is.
Adrien: Oh, thank you, Luka; that would be great.
Luka: I'll see you soon then?
Adrien: Yeah, see you soon.

Scene: Agreste car. Adrien's bodyguard drives all six of them to the wax museum. Adrien is in the front seat, while Alya, Nino, Luka, and Marinette squeeze into the back. Manon sits on Marinette's lap.

Alya: (whispering to Nino) You leave Adrien alone, and then, I'll leave Marinette alone...
Manon: Hey! Why are you leaving Marinette all alone? Don't you like her?
Marinette: Huh, what're you guys talking about?
Nino: Nothing!
Luka: You ok, Nino?
Nino: Yep! Totally! I'm totally fine! (He laughs nervously)
Adrien: Don't worry, Manon. It's just that Alya and Nino are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they probably wanna spend some time alone together. Without us.
(Marinette sighs with relief)
Manon: Really? But I thought you and Marinette were boyfriend and girlfriend. (Marinette squeaks) She has lots of photos of you all over her bedroom.
(Silence overtakes the car. Adrien turns away as Luka tries to come up with an excuse for Manon)
Luka: Adrien's a fashion model, and Marinette- (He glares at her) Is really into fashion. Right Marinette?
Manon: But then why are there so many hearts drawn on them?
Marinette: (laughs nervously) Those aren't hearts! Those are, uh, upside-down spades! I was just coming up with some new, uh, patterns, for my fabric designs. (She covers Manon's ears and leans towards Alya with clenched teeth) You told me you wouldn't tell Nino!
Alya: I haven't told him. Right, Nino? I didn't tell you anything. (She elbows him)
Nino: She didn't tell me. Besides, I wouldn't tell anyway.
Marinette: So you didn't tell anyone what Alya didn't tell you. Or did you?
Manon: What are you guys talking about?
Luka, Marinette, Nino, & Alya: Nothing.

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