Queen Banana

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Scene: TVi news announcement.

Nadja: And now, the very original project coming from the Françoise Dupont school in Paris. Clara Contard reporting.

Scene: Françoise Dupont highschool. Art classroom. The students are getting ready for the movie.

Clara: Under the initiative of the art teacher, Jean-Pierre Monlataing, one of Françoise Dupont school's alumni, Thomas Astruc, who's become a successful film director, is participating in an ambitious project. He's overseeing this group of students who are volunteering their own vacation time to produce a real-life movie. From script to storyboard, not to mention costumes, everything's being done by the students themselves with financial support from Paris' city hall.
André: Yes; you know, I myself directed a few in my youth, and—
Clara: And the cherry on top is that the film will be released in select movie theaters thanks to famous producer Bob Roth. What a lucky break for these student-filmmakers, as well as for the two young actresses who'll be starring in the main role!
Zoé: (reading script) You may hate me, but I love you, and I always will!

Scene: Chloé's room in Le Grand Paris. Chloé throws a banana peel at her TV.

Chloé: A film with my half-of-a-sister as the star?! Ridiculous!
Sabrina: (offering a banana) Do you want another banana, Chloé? I've heard they help put people in a better mood.
Chloé: (grabbing the banana) What I want is to go tell that bunch of lamoes how things work in real life!
(She walks off. Sabrina runs after her)
Chloé: In my life.

Scene: Art classroom. Zoé and Mylène are rehearsing.

Zoé: You may hate me, but I love you, and I always will—
Chloé: (slamming the door open) How dare you all! Giving the lead role to my half-of-a-sister who just came out of nowhere?! And with daddy's money, on top of it all.
André: Uh, it's not actually funded by me, sweetheart, but by the city.
Chloé: Same thing. (She walks over to Zoé) You—I told you that you'd be sent back to New York if you ever crossed my path, and now, not only are you on my path, but on TV, too!
Luka: Don't let your sister get to you, Zoé. You're made for this part; you deserve it.
Thomas: It's true, and we're meeting with the producer tomorrow, so it's too late to change anything now.
Jean-Pierre: Might I remind you that you were offered a chance, like all the students in the school, to participate in the film, but you refused because, and I quote, "Mylène's sweater is too ugly, Nate draws like a 2-year-old, Alya is useless, Luka has no talent, and Marinette is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous"?
Chloé: I said that?
Jean-Pierre: Less politely.
Chloé: Well, I still mean all of it. But if this stupid, childish film actually gets released in theaters and turns someone into a star, that someone should be me. So, you're gonna give me the part my half-of-a-sister is playing because everything she owns is mine. (She walks off)
Sabrina: Banana, Chloé? (She follows her)
André: Don't worry, kids, I'll go talk to her, everything will be fine tomorrow.
(He closes the door and runs after Chloé. Luka and Zoé look at each other)

Scene: Bob Roth's office. The students enter with Thomas Astruc in the lead.

Thomas: And here's the office of the producer, Bob Roth.
Chloé: (spins around in the chair) Surprise!
(Everyone gasps)
Luka: Chloé, what are you doing here?
Bob: My old friend André told me you'd be okay making a few small changes in the script so that his daughter could be part of the film.
Luka: But we've already made preparations for Zoé to be the lead.
Bob: Moviemaking, kid, is the art of compromise. To protect your—I mean, the interest of the film, you gotta be flexible, therefore, André's daughter will play the starring role.
Luka: That's not in the best interests of the film, sir; and it's not fair to Zoé either.
Alya: Zoé is perfect for the role of the superhero of creation.
Chloé: The next plane for New York leaves in 30 minutes.
Zoé: Thanks guys, but it's no big deal if I don't play the main role. There's lots of other positions open on the crew.
Chloé: Perfect, as long as she's not on-screen, it's fine with me.
Bob: Then it's a deal! See you all tomorrow morning on set.
Chloé: Bye-bye, losers!
Bob: (shoving them out) Now get out! (He closes the door)
(Zoé looks down sadly)

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