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Scene: The Liberty. Luka is getting ready, when he sees Adrien calling him.

Luka: Hey, babe.
Adrien: Morning, babe! I was just going to tell you how excited I am about our date at the swimming pool later.
Luka: (chuckles) I'm super excited too. I'll see you there?
Adrien: See you soon.
(They hang up)
Tikki: You'd better grab some breakfast before we leave, Luka!
Luka: Good call, Tikki.
(In the kitchen, Luka fixes himself a bowl of cereal)
Juleka: Heading out soon?
Luka: Yup, just gonna eat breakfast first.
Juleka: Tell Adrien I said hi.
Luka: I will. (He gives Tikki a cookie) Say hi to Rose for me when you see her later.
Juleka: I will. Have fun on your date!
Luka: You too!
(Juleka heads out as Luka finishes his breakfast)
Luka: Alright, Tikki. Ready to go?
Tikki: Ready!

Scene: Outside the swimming pool. Adrien is standing by the door, waiting for Luka, who arrives on his bike.

Luka: Good morning, babe.
Adrien: Morning!
(Adrien reaches out his hand to Luka, and the two of them enter the swimming pool together, hand in hand. They stop at reception)
Adrien: Good morning, ma'am! How do we get in?
Receptionist: You have to buy tickets, young man.
Adrien: Then, two tickets, please.
(The receptionist takes their money and gives them their bracelet passes)
Luka: Thank you, ma'am.
Adrien: Have a nice day.
(The two proceed to separate dressing rooms to get changed)
Tikki: Have fun with Adrien, Luka!
Luka: I'm not sure how long we'll be, so just hang tight, ok?
Tikki: No problem! I'll have Plagg to keep me company, anyway!
Luka: (chuckles) Alright, just make sure he stays out of trouble.
Adrien: (knocks on the door) Luka? You coming?
Luka: Yeah, I'll meet you by the pool.
(Tikki phases through the wall to meet up with Plagg while Luka changes into his swimsuit. Afterwards, be heads down the stairs, seeing Adrien, Kim, and Ondine by the pool)
Kim: (waves) Over here! Luka!
(Luka waves and heads over to them. Adrien starts to climb down the ladder into the pool)
Adrien: Need a hand?
(Luka chuckles and takes Adrien's offered hand. He goes to step onto the ladder, but slips and falls into the pool with Adrien. They resurface together)
Adrien: Luka, are you ok?
Luka: I'm fine; just slipped, is all.
Kim: (laughs and swims towards them) Woah, that was quite a fall! It reminds me of a prank I pulled on Marinette last year!
Ondine: What on earth are you talking about?
Kim: Right. You guys wouldn't know. Let me explain, you'll see; it's hilarious! It was last year, when Marinette and I were in eighth grade.

(Flashback begins)

Scene: One year ago, at the swimming pool. Kim is seen swimming with Ondine.

Kim: Three, two, one... go!
(Kim and Ondine jump into the pool)
Kim: I'm catching up to you! I'm catching up to you!
Ondine: In your dreams! Even with a motor in your swimsuit, you'd still be slower than me!
(From a distance, a lovesick Marinette is wringing her hair while looking at Kim, who is being splashed with water by Ondine)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette marvels at one of Kim's pictures she has on her board. She frowns shortly after, as if sensing something bad is about to happen, and crawls out of her bed.

Scene: The Dupain-Cheng's residence, in the kitchen. Marinette is eating her cereal.

Sabine: Aren't you eating, sweetie?
Marinette: I have a tummy ache. Can't I stay home today?
Sabine: Hmm... Yesterday, your foot hurt, and the day before that, it was your head. Come on, chin up. You only have two weeks of school left with her. She probably won't even be in your class next year.
Marinette: Three years in a row, Mom. Why would my luck change now? (She stands up from the table and bumps her cereal bowl, spilling milk on the table, her clumsiness thriving yet again, to which Sabine simply smiles)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Marinette runs late to her class. She hides behind the main school door as she catches sight of  with Sabrina. Marinette hesitates to enter the school, but eventually runs to avoid being seen. She then enters the locker room.

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