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Scene: The Seine, Luka is seen riding his bike over a bridge. He sees an advertisement of the Alliance rings and stops.

Gabriel: (advertisement voice-over) The ties that bind us are precious, unique. "Alliance". Alliance informs.
Adrien: (from the advertisement, after pressing the Alliance ring) Alliance, can you please tell me what the square root of 71,174 is?
Tikki: I thought Adrien was no longer a model, thanks to you, Luka?
Luka: He isn't, Tikki. What you're looking at is a digitized 3D model of Adrien.
(In the advertisement, Adrien is seen sitting on a bench in a park)
Alliance Lila: (on the advertisement) Careful, Adrien! An akuma has appeared at the Louvre!
Tikki: Wow, he looks so... real! But... how does the real Adrien feel about it?
Luka: That's the thing. He's happy to be free from modeling, but this... This isn't what he wanted either. His father is still using his image, but the whole point of quitting was that his image wouldn't be used for things like this. I'll have to talk to his father about it. (He continues riding his bike)
(On the advertisement, Lila and Adrien are seen walking down the sidewalk until they meet each other)
Lila: (on the advertisement) Alliance, where can I find the best shoes around here?
Alliance Adrien: (on the advertisement) 500 feet down the street is a Gabriel store.
(As Luka continues to bike, The Owl is seen climbing up the billboard to rescue a cat. Luka stops again to check things out)
The Owl: Kitty, kitty, come here, boy! Mama Michelle will be so sad if you don't come home.
(The cat pounces on his head, causing him to lose balance from the billboard and fall down. Luckily, his cape gets caught on the ladder. His mask unfortunately falls down to the pavement and gets run over by a car)
Luka: Quick, Tikki—
Fake Coccinelle: Hold on, I'm coming! (She climbs up to save the Owl) Don't be afraid. Give me your hand!
(The Owl reaches out for her hand and she pulls him from the ladder, causing the both of them to fall on their rears. As Luka runs to them, the two get off the platform)
The Owl: Thank you for rescuing me, Cocci- Oh! Coccinelle, is that you?
Fake Coccinelle: Oh, uh- yep. And you're welcome! You gotta know when to step in. That's the only way you can change things in life!
Luka: Socqueline?
Fake Coccinelle: (panics) W-What? No, I'm Coccinelle! Just a normal superhero. (She salutes) Bug out! (She runs off)
The Owl: Yeah! Hoo-hoo-hoo! Owl mist! (He throws a smoke bomb on the ground and runs away)
Tikki: Do you know her, Luka?
Luka: Um, maybe. You know what, Tikki? It's time to go buy some paint! (He runs in the opposite direction)
Tikki: Huh? What's that got to do with anything?

Scene: Les Olympiades. Luka takes his helmet off and puts it with his bike before getting on an escalator.

Tikki: (from his jacket) What are we really doing, Luka?
Luka: That fake Coccinelle from this morning... I think it was Socqueline, a school friend from last year! Knowing her, I'm sure she means well. But I have to convince her to stop putting herself in danger like that.
Tikki: You're not gonna tell her you're the real Coccinelle, are you?
Luka: Of course not. She can't suspect anything.
(Luka reaches the top of the escalator. Meanwhile, Socqueline is seen opening the arts and crafts store and yawns as she goes inside. Luka enters as while Socqueline is still organizing the products on the shelves)
Luka: Hi, Socqueline!
Socqueline: Luka! It's been a while!
(The two share a greeting by kissing each other on the cheeks)
Socqueline: We've all missed having you and your sister in class! How is she, by the way?
Luka: She's doing well, actually; got herself a girlfriend and everything! So, what have you been up to?
Socqueline: Well, high school's a big change, but it's awesome, as it turns out. How's school for you?
Luka: It's pretty good. Staying behind with Juleka was probably the best decision I could've made.
Socqueline: I'm sure she's doing better than she would've if you hadn't stayed behind with her.
(Luka smiles at her remark. At the front, Mr. Damocles enters the store)
Alliance Lila: (voice-over, from the Alliance ring) You have arrived at your destination, Denis.
(Mr. Damocles starts to wander around the store)
Luka: So, what have you been up to outside of school? Any new activities?
Socqueline: Oh, same old: gymnastics, taekwondo, helping Mom with the shop now and then. Looking for something in particular?
Luka: Oh- uh... paint. I thought I'd try painting. I've always stuck with music, but it can't hurt to try some new artistic mediums. Do you have any red and black?
Socqueline: Of course! Please, Alliance, do we have any Vine Black and Poppy Red in stock?
Alliance Adrien: (from the Alliance ring) There are 6 tubes left in 12-millimeter packs. Do you want to add them to your order?
Luka: Wow, it's the first time I've ever seen Alliance in person!
Socqueline: Oh, it's a life changer! It's got everything: phone, calendar, GPS, step counter; it's even got games! Wanna try it? (She gives Luka her Alliance ring) The ring is tactile, but it works even better with your voice. Just start with the magic words: "Please, Alliance." (The Alliance ring turns on again) How many steps have I walked today?
Alliance Adrien: You've walked 52,034 steps, Socqueline. That's more than average for people your age. Well done!
Luka: Yeah, it's... awesome!
Socqueline: Right? It's like having an Adrien all to yourself! Such a dream! And it gets better: you can even download skins and change his outfits! (She switches Alliance Adrien into different skins on the ring)
Luka: It's so weird. You can hardly tell the difference between this and the real Adrien.
Socqueline: What?? You know him?
Luka: Oh, he just so happens to be in my class.
Socqueline: Ohh! You're so lucky! Gah! I totally should've stayed back a year. So, what's he like? If you like him there's no way he's rude and stand-offish like most famous people.
Luka: He's amazing. Super nice, humble, a little lost...
(As Luka begins to endearingly describe Adrien to Socqueline, Mr. Damocles continues to wander around the store)
Luka: It's his first time at school, you know. Until his mother disappeared, he'd only ever been homeschooled. Nobody knows this, but being a model wasn't what he wanted to do in life at all. He couldn't bring himself to tell his father, so I helped Adrien confront him. He was really touched.
Socqueline: Wow! You two actually are close! (She gasps) Don't tell me that...
Luka: We found that we had a lot in common, and over time, we became closer.
Socqueline: Wow! You two are together!
Luka: (chuckles) Yep, and we couldn't be happier. He's special, but also just like anyone else. Like you: you're just a high school girl who sometimes helps her mom, and nothing else, right?
Socqueline: (with slight nervousness) U-Um, exactly!
(The conversation gets cut off when Mr. Damocles clumsily drops a product from the shelf)
Mr. Damocles: Oops.
Luka: Just like Mr. Damocles; he's just a principal, right?
Denis Damocles: No, I am not a principal, I'm a superhero. I-I mean, it's the other way around. Darn.
Luka: Well, I'm glad you're not putting yourself in any danger. (To Socqueline) It's different for us, because we don't have magical powers and super suits like Coccinelle and Chat Noir do.
Socqueline: Yeah... Well, what if it's a relief for Coccinelle and Chat Noir to have people help them?
Luka : I don't think they'd want innocent people putting themselves in danger.
Socqueline: Yes, but you gotta know when to step in. That's the only way you can change things in life!
Luka: I know. You say that a lot, but in this circumstance, it's Coccinelle and Chat Noir's job to take risks, and no one else's.
Denis Damocles: (whispers to Socqueline) Sounds like someone's jealous because he wants to be a superhero.
Luka: Actually, I'm very happy to be a normal boy with a normal life, just like everyone else.
(Mr. Damocles suddenly becomes sad)
Socqueline: (to Luka) Ok. I'm gonna take care of Mr. Damocles and we can continue this afterwards. (She walks away with him) So, how may I help you?
Tikki: Are you sure Socqueline is the fake Coccinelle from earlier?
Luka: I'm pretty sure. She said the same thing about knowing when to step in earlier.
(A warning alert appears on the Alliance ring and proceeds to play a news broadcast)
Nadja Chamack: Yet another experiment by Dr. Anne-Jeanne Théoxanne du Bocquale gone wrong! Her dinosaur-pigeon hybrid dinos are on the loose. Will this reopen a debate on the need for these flying beasts?
Luka: (rushes outside and hides behind a wall) It's time for the real Coccinelle to step in! Tikki, spots on! (He transforms into Coccinelle)
(On top of the buildings, a dinosaur is seen flying as Coccinelle hurls his yo-yo at its feet to capture it. He gets pulled by the dinosaur upon catching it)

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