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Scene: Paris at night. There is an explosion near the Notre-Dame. An akumatized August is running through the streets.

Gigantitan: Cake! (People are fleeing their cars and running away in fear of being stepped on) Cake! Cake!
(Coccinelle and Chat Noir are trying to catch up with Gigantitan. He sees the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie)
Gigantitan: Cake! Cake!
Tom: I'll protect my pastries if it's the last thing I do.
Sabine: Tom, you're going to get hurt!
Gigantitan: Cake! (Gigantitan comes closer, the two huddle in fear. Coccinelle and Chat Noir land in front of the bakery)
Coccinelle: No, Mr. Dupain! Move aside! (He catches Gigantitan's wrist with his yo-yo)
Chat Noir: Wow, my heart is just like that yo-yo-wrapped baby's wrist. Taken prisoner by M'Bug forever. (He tries to kiss him, but Coccinelle is yanked away by Gigantitan. He smacks into a billboard displaying Adrien's ad)
Coccinelle: Ouch. (He slides off)
(Chat Noir catches him)
Coccinelle: Thanks, Chat. Lucky Charm! (He receives a giant plastic doughnut. It falls on him and he struggles to hold it up)
Gigantitan: Cake! (Gigantitan takes the doughnut and tries to eat it. Realizing it's not real, he throws it through the wall of Marinette's room) Not cake!
Chat Noir: Your plastic doughnut doesn't stand a chance against the best macaroons in Paris. That baby has taste. (They go after Gigantitan)

Scene: The bakery. Tom realizes Marinette's in trouble.

Tom: That's Marinette's bedroom! (He runs up the stairs) Marinette! Marinette!
Coccinelle: (voice) Chat Noir, grab this!
(Gigantitan's hand bursts through the stairwell. Tom continues up the stairs. He runs into the apartment)
Tom: Marinette!
Chat Noir: (voice) Cataclysm! (The apartment begins to crumble)
Tom: Marinette! Marinette! (He tries to enter her room, but the door is jammed)
Marinette: Papa!
Coccinelle: (voice) Miraculous Coccinelle! (The apartment and door are fixed, so Tom runs in)
Tom: Marinette! Marinette! (He runs up to her and hugs her)
(August is deakumatized in midair and falls into Coccinelle's arms. He picks up his pacifier.)
Chat Noir: So what was it this time?
Coccinelle: A late night craving, huh, baby August? (He spins him around and he laughs) Aw, (giggling) you're so cute! (kisses him on the head lots of times)
Chat Noir: I'm a bit jealous.
(Coccinelle's earrings beep)
Coccinelle: Don't be. (He hands August to Chat Noir)
Chat Noir: Uh?
Coccinelle: Here, you can have him.
Chat Noir: Ee!
Coccinelle: Bye bye, little guy! (He swings to the rooftops)
Chat Noir: I meant jealous of him!

Scene: Marinette's room. Sabine enters, distraught.

Sabine: (gasping) Tom? Marinette?
Tom: (Still hugging Marinette, who is now crying) It's alright, it'll be ok.
(Sabine joins their hug)

Scene: Outside the bakery. August waves towards where Coccinelle swung away.

Chat Noir: You miss him already too? I know how it feels.
August: Dummy! (Chat Noir remembers that Coccinelle had August's pacifier)
Chat Noir: Ah, of course! The pacifier!
August: Dummy! (He extends his staff to the roof)
Chat Noir: Come on, little guy. Let's get you home.

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette continues to cry.

Tom: It's ok, Marinette.
Sabine: We're all safe. Coccinelle and Chat Noir took care of the Akuma.
Marinette: It-it's not that. That was scary but- it's just- I've been so stressed out lately, and now this happens? I just can't take it anymore! (She sobs even harder)
Tom: Marinette, calm down. I'm sure we'll figure this out.
Sabine: Why don't you tell us what's wrong, sweetie?
Marinette: W-well... (she tries to catch her breath) not too long ago, A-Adrien came up to me and- he said we couldn't be f-friends anymore! I-I just don't understand! I love him, and for s-some reason he's m-m-mad at me for it!
Sabine: Are you sure, Marinette? Adrien seems like a very nice boy; why would he end your friendship because of something like that?
Marinette: I-I don't know! I didn't do anything wrong! (She cries again)
Tom: Shh, it's alright sweetie.
(Tom and Sabine share a worried look)
Sabine: How about you head to bed, sweetie; you look exhausted. I'm sure you could use some rest after all that's happened.
Marinette: (sniff) O-ok... goodnight. (She heads over to her ladder, climbing it and getting into bed)
Tom: We love you, princess.
Sabine: Get some sleep.
(Tom and Sabine leave through the trapdoor. Marinette continues to softly cry on her bed)

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