I'm Finally Home

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 55:
We spend a few hours at the fair, going on the carousel, looking around stalls, mucking about, and having hotdogs for lunch. By 4 o'clock we decide to head back to Rosewood as people would be worried about where I am as I did run away to New York yesterday. Opps. I hope nothing crazy like that happens again, or at least anytime soon.
We head back to the car and go home, listening to the radio really loudly with the windows rolled down and screaming the lyrics to the songs. It turns out to be pretty fun! Within no time, we arrive back to the familiar surroundings of Rosewood and decide to go to my parents house as they should be the first to know that I'm 1 safe and 2 engaged. I would like to tell my friends first but I think it would be best to let my parents know first and say sorry for running off in a panic. I overthink situations so much and only imagine the bad outcomes. I need to learn to explore all possibilities. I wouldn't of wasted my time running away otherwise, but then I wouldn't of met Kara and Sebastian, and Ezra wouldn't of proposed today. All things DO happen for a reason. Good or bad, they always do.

We drive up to my parents driveway and get out the car. Sebastian and Kara come too, even though they have no clue who my parents are, but they can help explain what's been happening over the past 24 hours. I walk up to the door, trembling with fear of how my parents might react. I need to stop thinking about it. I finally bring up the courage to knock on the door. It only takes a few seconds to hear the footsteps of someone approaching the door. I hear the chain move and the door opens, with my mother and father standing behind it. Their jaws drop slightly and tears begin to form in their eyes'. My mum then pulls me into an immediate hug and my dad joins in. I'm finally home.

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