Fun Time

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 62:
We arrive back at my house and I let ourselves inside with my key, to find Kara and Sebastian sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Hey guys! These are my friends Spencer, Hanna and Emily." I say with a smile as I point to each of them in turn to their names.
"Hi!" Kara says with a huge, happy smile with her perfect teeth. She then gets up and hugs all of the girls, "I'm Kara and this is my boyfriend Sebastian. It's so nice to meet you!" She continues.
"It's nice to meet you too. Wow, you are beautiful, so, so pretty, wow! Are you a model by any chance, I feel like I recognise you?!" Hanna asks. Well that was a destined friendship.
"Actually, yeah, I kinda am a model. I don't do much though. I also write and sing sometimes. I do a mixture of stuff." She replies.
"That's so cool!" Hanna says
"What should we all do?" Spencer asks.
"I'm not sure. We could do anything now, after all, we've done all of our homework. What do you want to do whilst you're still here?" I ask Kara and Sebastian.
"I don't mind." Sebastian says.
"We could go out to Philly for the evening and go to the arcade and get dinner there?" Spencer suggests.
"YES, I LOVE THE BURGERS AT THE ARCADE!" Hanna says with a grin, slightly too excited.
"Calm down Hanna, it's just a burger!" Emily says, starting to laugh.
"Okay, well that's settled, come on then!" Spencer says as she begins to escort everyone out of the house. I quickly grab my wallet and phone out of my school bag and run after them. Time for some fun.

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