Let's Get This Weekend Started

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 66:
I climb out of my comfy bed and decide that I might as well go to school because I have nothing better to do. I head down stairs, grab my school bag, and write a quick note to Kara, saying that I'm off to school and that we should meet at my school at 2:30pm, the end of the school day. I jot down the directions then leave the house. Time for school... Yay?

I arrive at school before 8am so I decide to go to the library to work on some school work so that I'm ahead in class. It's fairly boring but needs to be done. I get out some books and begin reading, and before long, it's time for lessons.


School goes by slowly but eventually, the bell goes to mark the end of the day. Finally, the weekend, freedom. I meet up with the girls outside of the school building and spot Kara and Sebastian sitting on a wall opposite the entrance/exit. We all run up to them and hug them, before walking to The Brew to get a drink. Let's get this weekend started!

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