City Of My Wildest Dreams

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 36:
The next bus from Rosewood leaves in 3 minutes so I'll get on that to New York. I must then go to every place possible and beg for a job. Let's hope I can find something because otherwise I'll be without a job, eventually broke then homeless and alone, more alone than I would be if I did have a job.

The train, wait I mean bus, arrives quickly so I get on and pay the driver. I head right to the back of the bus and notice a familiar figure. Oh my god is that... Is that Noel Kahn?! That can't be can it? I try to ignore him but he sees me and looks at me, "Hey Aria, what you doing heading to New York? You're not the kind of person to run away are you? After all, that's the only reason why people take the bus to the City and not the train. Unless, you've got some business to handle but you wouldn't be going there for that... Or would you?" He asks with a grin. He looks slightly battered and has cuts everywhere, he's dirty, and needs to shower yet he doesn't smell bad. Mmm that's weird. I never knew boys could look mucky but not stink. Anyway,
"Why do you care for my reason for going to New York? It's not like it's any of your business." I say with a slight rude tone to my grumpy voice. I immediately feel bad for what I just said, even though it was to the guy who threatened to uncover my relationship with Ezra to the whole world. "I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling great today. Excuse me." I say. I then leave this awkward conversation and sit in the back left corner of the bus, my left of course. Now for the lovely, I mean boring journey to the city of my wildest dreams, New York City.

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