Jumble Of Words

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 29:

I feel so bad for what I said to Spencer. I've been up in my room for over an hour now. I really should go down and apologise. I slowly walk out of my room and head down stairs to the voices of deep chatter about boys (and girls) and fashion in the living room.

"Hey." I say quietly. The girls look up at me. I continue: "I'm so sorry Spencer. I didn't mean anything I said to you. It was the hormones speaking. All of the stress and worry caught up to me and I took it out on you. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you. You're my best friend. I know that you didn't mean any of it. It was just pregnancy brain. I'm here for you and I'll always be here for you. We're team Sparia!" She says. She walks up to me and gives me a hug. "You're so tiny!" She says.

I join in with there conversation and it slowly gets onto the subject of my pregnancy.

"So... What are you going to do about the whole baby situation Aria? Are you going to keep it, I mean him or her?" Hanna asks curiously.

"Of course I am. I'm against abortion. I've always wanted Ezra to be the father of my children and it's just happen to come sooner than excepted. I probably should ask him to come over tonight if I'm going to tell my dad. He'll probably want to be here. But at the same time he probably won't because he won't want to get punched again. I'll go and call him now." I say as I head into the kitchen.

I dial his number on my phone and it begins to ring. Within a few seconds he answers. "Hey baby." I say as I smile.

"Hi. How are you?"

"Fine I guess. My hormones were kicking in like crazy earlier though. I took out all of my emotions on Spencer which probably wasn't good. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight because I'm planning on telling my dad tonight about the pregnancy and wanted you to be here when I told him. I already told the girls. I haven't really talked about it much with them though because I was calming down in my room for about an hour after I told them and went crazy on Spencer." I say in a jumble.

"Sure. I'll come over now. We can then talk about everything with your family and friends all at once. Well we can tell them what we have discussed which isn't much yet. We really should discuss everything because it's all over the place right now and all I'm doing is worrying about you and our baby." Ezra responds.

"Okay. Yeah we should. We can sort that out when you're here. I better get back to the girls now. I love you." I say as I end the call.

"I love you too Aria" Ezra says. I then hang up and go back to Spencer, Emily and Hanna.

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