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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 79:
We get to school and walk in. I head to my locker and grab my books then begin to walk to English with Spencer, meeting the others as we walk through the corridor. We head into the classroom and I realise that people are talking about me.
"Hey Aria, apparently some kid in our year is pregnant with a teacher's baby, any idea who?" Some guy calls out.
"Um... I don't know. It's probably just a rumour. Who told you that?" I ask, trying to get in with the joke of it, to not seem suspicious.
"Mona." He replies.
"You know what she's like, she basically breathes rumours. I don't think it's true." I reply back, trying to stay calm.
"You getting defensive? Is it you? Is it true?" He says, starting to get a bit agitative.
"Why would you think that? I'm just saying that I don't like to listen to rumours and gossip. Just ignore it, okay?" I say, getting annoyed and nervous.
"Prove it then, lift up your shirt. Prove you aren't pregnant, slut." He says, getting up from his seat and coming towards me.
"Hey! Back off!" Spencer says, walking up to the guy and grabbing hold of his wrists. "If you mess with her, you deal with me. Now just leave!" She continues.
"Preggers! Preggers! Preggers!" He shouts as he leaves the room. Jerk.


Hey guys, I am SO sorry for not updating in a month. I had a huge science test at the beginning of June which I studied so much for - I got a B in GCSE grade boundaries which got bumped up to an A as the teachers changed the grade boundaries and we weren't taught everything on the test. I've been practising my flute non stop for my exam as last month I couldn't play any of my pieces and now I can play them quite well. I've had a DofE practise expedition as well so I couldn't update. I've then had a big maths test which I had to study for and I've had a summer concert at my school which I was in 4 things for it which meant a lot of rehearsals. I've also been unsure of what to write so that's another contribution to not updating in ages. I wanted to update so badly but I didn't want to write a bad chapter so please know that I'm really sorry and I do try. I'll try and update again soon but I don't know how long that will be. It shouldn't be that long though as I don't have any big tests or anything.

Yesterday I went to Hyde Park and saw Taylor Swift which was AMAZING except at the start I had mini panic attacks as it was too crowded and I couldn't find my mum. I think I saw Taylor's dad for like 5 seconds and I met some really nice people AND IM ON TAYLORS WEBSITE! I look awful in the picture (I am not photogenic whatsoever) but oh well, JUST WOW IM ON HER WEBSITE. ONLY ABOUT 15 PICTURES ARE ON THERE AND IM ONE OF THEM 😱😱😱

I love you guys so much and thank you so so so much for 61k! That is crazy! I hope to update soon,

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