Sweet Dreams

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 101:
"Dinner anyone?" My mum asks after the heart-warning gift that Dad and her just gave us. I'm so thankful and tearing up from it all.
"Of course!" I say with a laugh, still in so much shock. We then sit down at the table and tuck in.
"Did you like the trail I made?" Mike asks with a laugh.
"Of course! That was so thoughtful and fun, thank you!" I say as I lean on his shoulder, "You'll always be my little brother, even though you are taller than me." I say with a laugh.
"And you'll always be my little sister." He jokes back.
"Oi!" I say as I punch his shoulder.

We finish eating and then we head up to the guest/spare bedroom and start discussing plans and ideas for it. I then grab my laptop and show them what we ordered and what we need to get later on since we don't need everything now. My mum loves it all and can't wait to help decorate. My dad however, isn't into this stuff though so he isn't excited but that's not surprising as he doesn't find this sort of thing fun.
Once we go over a bunch of stuff for a while and browse the internet for stuff, we decide to call it a night and go to sleep. Sweet dreams.

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