4th of July

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 105:

~Forth of July (two days later)~

Happy 4th of July! I'm so excited as Ezra and I are going on a road trip tomorrow! We really wanted to get away from Rosewood for a bit so we decided to go on a spur of the moment trip. Best of all, we're going to New York to surprise Sebastian and Kara, yay!

Today we're finishing up in the baby room as there's still a couple of things to put together that we've got. It is coming together so well! I cannot wait for our baby boy to be here in his very own room. This time next year will be his first 4th of July and I can't wait to dress him up all festive and cute! We're going to the country club with Spencer and her family tonight for the fireworks. It's going to be so much fun!


Ezra and I laze around on my bed for a bit and discuss the road trip destinations - we are basically going wherever the car takes us as there's no where in particular we need/want to go to except for New York. I can't wait to put this all in a scrapbook as I want to keep this memory forever as it's going to be a good one!

For the rest of the day before the fireworks, we spend it with my family playing board games, watching TV and talking about a bunch of random things as well as putting together the final bits of furniture we got last week.


Once we get to the club, we eat dinner before sitting down on the slopes and wait for the fireworks to begin. It doesn't take long for the beautiful vibrant colours fill the air and lighten up the skies. They are so pretty and the atmosphere surrounding is amazing. It may be loud but it's sure worth it. Ezra grabs onto my side and pulls me in and kisses me on the forehead. I then lean in and kiss him. His soft lips touch mine and it feels like a dream. Tonight has been magical.


Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated in over two weeks - I really wanted to take a break as I've been so stressed out from so many tests going on at school and I haven't had any free time and I've been going through a lot of stuff and haven't been feeling good at all. All I want to do is escape but I can't. This weekend I've got no homework thankfully but I have revision for a biology test on Tuesday and my French writing exam which is after Christmas which I want to do some revision for - it's another 15% of my GCSE and I want an A preferably A* on it like I got for my speaking one last half term. Year 10 has gotten so, so, so busy and I just want to break down as I'm under too much stress. I haven't had any time to think straight and I keep staying up really late and I can't help it. I'm going to go to sleep now so goodnight everyone. I'm gonna try as update soon. I'm gonna skip some time soon so I can get the story moving. It's dragging on too much I feel so I want to get it moving nicely and hopefully finish fairly soon (that will fail though and it will probably continue for ages knowing what I'm like oops). I love this story so much and it's my baby and I'm so proud of how far it's come but I really want to start something different as this has been going on for nearly 18 months and I've put my heart into this but I just want to start a new story which I can throw myself into soon. I have so many ideas and I really want to get them down but I don't have the time which sucks. Anyway, I must go to sleep as I'm going o a school trip tomorrow yay! Goodnight, xoxofearlessgirl. I love you all so, so, so, so, so much 💙💙💙💙💙

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