Goodbye, For Now

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 67:
We all get drinks, a mix of coffee and tea, and milk for me because I just love milk. We talk for a few hours, before leaving, and hearing the worst news ever.
"We would love to stay in Rosewood for a couple more nights but we really should be getting back to New York. It's been amazing here! Thank you for showing us around, and letting us stay at your house Aria. We can't wait to come back and visit. It was so nice meeting your friends too! We probably should be heading off. Thanks again, goodbye." Sebastian says. I begin to shed a tear.
"I don't want you to go! Please come and visit soon, if possible." I say as I hug them both goodbye.
"We will, I promise that we will come here again, after we've finished our trip around the world. We're leaving on Monday and who knows when we will be back. Goodbye." Kara says as she hugs me back, crying like a crazy person.
"Bye." Hanna, Spencer and Emily say. We wave goodbye and head our separate ways, Kara and Sebastian heading to Sebastian's car, up by school, and the girls and I heading to Spencer's house to do homework. I wish they could stay forever.


I want to update a lot but I honestly can't. Not in the state I'm in. I know, I must be crazy; yesterday I finally worked out that I like this guy. I've been unsure for weeks, probably months and I don't know what do do. I don't know if he likes me back. I don't want to ruin our "friendship" if that's what you call it. I want to tell him now how I feel but it's too hard. I'm too scared that he'll not feel the same way and think that I'm stupid or laugh. I can't sleep or eat because of him. I've been feeling sick since yesterday because of him. This sick feeling in my stomach won't go away. I'm probably going to watch him carefully this week to see how he behaves around me and if he acts any different, and then I'll work out how to tell him from there. I want to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing but I don't know who. We're two school years apart which would make things weird at school. I'm just a mess because of him. I had barely any sleep last night. HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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