Best Surprise Ever!

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 107:
We start driving upstate and stop off at a gas station to fill up on gas and get some snacks to eat. It's 1:37pm when we stop so if the traffic isn't bad, we should be in New York City at around 3pm-3:30pm hopefully. I'm so excited to see the look on Kara's face - Sebastian's too but he won't be as shocked, probably.

~2 hours later~

We finally arrive in the city and oh my gosh, I forgot how beautiful it is. I haven't been here since, well, the incidence of my hormones and being scared about my pregnancy and doubting everything. I was so stupid!

We drive up to the familiar apartment complex and park before heading up the stairs.
"I'm so nervous!" I say with excitement as I hug Ezra.
"I hope they don't mind us turning up unannounced." Ezra chuckles.
I knock on the door and we stand and wait for a couple of seconds before hearing a squeal behind the door and a voice yelling "Sebastian!" loudly. Kara opens the door and flings her arms around me before letting go and doing the same to Ezra. Sebastian then comes out from behind Kara and does the same, only more gently.
"OH MY GOD, ARIA, EZRA! I can't believe you're here! How did you know we would be here?! I'm so happy, omg we need to go baby shopping ASAP! What is the gender, how are you both?!" Kara asks, firing a million questions at us.
"We're good. We've started setting up the baby room and Ezra's moving into my parents house. Ezra, would you like to announce the gender?" I ask with a giggle.
"Oh, I don't think they are ready to hear. Let's leave it a surprise for a while, to keep things interesting and mysterious." He says as he does a grinning smile and laugh.
"Oi, don't make me wait!" Kara says as she playfully bashes Ezra's arm. Oh this shall be fun!


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in weeks. I've been going through a lot and I just didn't have the energy or effort to do anything which is so bad. I got an A* on my French writing exam so now I've done 30% of my GCSE and got an A* in both. I also got an A* in my end of unit history test yay (that's not for anything important though sadly but I'm still so happy). This Friday I begin the 25-35% (I'm not sure which) of my History GCSE which I'm nervous in the sense that I'm not sure if I can do it in the time as I ramble on too much but it should go well. I want to update more and it is so bad that I haven't. PLEASE keep reminding me, please do! I need to actually open the Wattpad app though as I haven't in about a week. One Mistake has come so far and I can't believe it! Thank you so much for all of your support, I love you all to the moon and back,
xoxofearlessgirl <3

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