Is The Truth Slipping Out?

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 17:

We finally arrive at the restaurant and park. We get out of the car and walk in. Ezra goes up to the front desk and asks for our table under "Fitz". The lady walks us over to our table and we sit down. I sit next to Ezra and Mum sits next to Dad. The waitress hands us our menus and I begin to decide what I want to order. I wonder if you can get cravings at this stage in a pregnancy? I'm not hungry though because seriously, who would have an appetite at a dinner where you announce your pregnancy when you're 16, not forgetting the fact that the father of your baby is your old English teacher.

My dad attempts small talk whilst the waitress is taking our orders. This of course is awkward and he fails to make this seem like a normal dinner, whether he knows it or not. "So... I'm guessing this must be a big announcement if we have to go out to dinner. I just have no clue what it could be. Please tell me and your mother. All I can think is the worst. Aria, is there something wrong?" he asks.

"Um. Um. U...u...u um." I say with a stutter in my voice. I suddenly feel nauseous and run to the bathroom. Ut oh.

One Mistake: An Ezria FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ