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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 37:
The bus finally arrives in New York City, I'm finally here! I get off the bus and thank the driver then head into Brooklyn because if I am to live in NYC, I have to live somewhere I might actually be able to afford. I head to the subway station to get the next train to Brooklyn, as I arrived in Manhattan. It doesn't take long to get to a studio apartment complex once I'm in Brooklyn as there's one right by the subway. I head into the building and see the notice board with a for rent notice: 'Apartment 3B for rent. $522 PCM. Call 123-456-7890 if interested.' This is perfect... But apartment 3B. Ezra. How can I be here without him? I have to call him but I'll do that tomorrow. First I have to get this apartment but how will I get it without a phone? I'm just gonna have to find someone who will let me borrow their phone. I hope there's someone. I rip off the note and leave the building. I'm in such a hurry to find a phone that I don't notice the guy coming towards the building and I bump into him.
"I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry." I say apologetically.
"It's fine. I don't appear to be hurt though. Are you okay? You don't look fine. Why don't you come with me now, I was about to go to the cafe down the road. I promise I'm not a crazy psycho. You look lost. Do you need any help?" He says kindly. He's so sweet. I just want to hug him because I'm about to fall apart.
"I'm sorry. I'm a mess. I'm just a girl who has just ran away from home after dropping a bombshell on their dad and then left their best friends and boyfriend behind with no warning whatsoever. I just ran out. With no phone or anything really. Only my wallet so I have no phone or anything else. I didn't even tell my family where I was going. I just left and ended up here in New York. I went into this building to try and get a place I can stay in but I need a phone to contact the person. I'm about to fall apart. Please help me." I say as I break down and nearly fall to the ground crying. Thankfully he catches me.
"It's alright. Come on, let's go inside to my apartment. You can use my phone to call anyone you like. Is that okay?" He asks me, looking into my eyes. "I'm Sebastian by the way."
"Thank you so much. I could just kiss you right now but I can't. I have a boyfriend who I love and who I'm having a baby with." I blurt out. I then realise what I said, "Oh my god did I just tell you that? I'm so sorry. I barely even know you, you're practically a stranger, no offence, and I've already told you my life story. I'm Aria by the way, if you wanted to know." I say. I then let out a laugh because I just jumbled that all out, like really fast. Sebastian laughs a little too and then I follow him back into the building. We walk into the building and up to the 3rd floor. I wonder which room is his. We get to his door, 3C, and he unlocks the door to his slightly messy but clean apartment. It's so cool!

Hey guys, sorry I didn't post yesterday like I said I would. I wanted to post something special for my birthday AND 10 THOUSAND READS WHICH IS NOW OVER 11 THOUSAND LIKE WHAT?!?!?! but I was super busy with family and my friends and saying goodbye to my best friend who is moving schools which I only found out on Thursday that she'd probably move in a couple of weeks but I found out for definite on Friday and it was actually this next Monday (tomorrow) that she'd be starting so I then spent Friday afternoon at school in a cupboard crying instead of going to lesson and anyway I got really emotional and I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible because she's the only person I talk to basically at school so now I'll be alone all the time 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 so I didn't have time to write or post fanfic. I was also in France for a bit but mainly Belgium from Monday - Wednesday which was AMAZING and such a great experience so I couldn't post because I couldn't use my phone and I didn't have wifi (well I did on Tuesday night thanks to my amazing tutor who gave me the password because the wifi wouldn't work for her properly when she let me watch the Blank Space music video when we were in the hotel bar bowling which happens to be the only place with wifi) but I did write about 5 chapters from like last Friday to the Wednesday coming back. I couldn't write anymore because I was just an emotional wreck on Thursday after finding out about my friend moving schools and Friday was my birthday party and I was SO busy that I ended up making my cake during my party. Anyway, sorry I've only posted 3 I think chapters today but I should hopefully post another tomorrow because I have some more already written. Goodnight xxx

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