Tears, Tears, Tears!

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 56:
My mum clings onto me for what feels like forever, before eventually letting go of me when she sees that I have company, not just Ezra. We then walk into the house and awkwardly stand there for a few seconds. Sebastian decides to break the silence, "Hello, Aria's parents, I'm Sebastian and this is Kara." He says, gesturing to Kara who is standing next to him. "Aria found me when she ran off to New York. She told me everything that had happened and I helped her calm down. Don't worry, she was kept safe and my girlfriend helped me look after her for the night and then we brought her back first thing in the morning." He continues, trying not to tremble.
"Thank you so much! You don't know how much it means to us, that she is safe and back home. I'm Byron and this is my wife Ella, Aria's parents. How will we ever repay you?!" Byron asks as he shakes Sebastian's hand with a huge smile of relief forming on his face.
"Don't worry about it. It was a fun adventure coming to Rosewood today. I don't need anything, only hopefully the long lasting friendship with Ezra and Aria." Sebastian says with a smile as he loosens up to the kinda awkward conversation.
"I'm so glad that you're safe. Now, just out of curiosity, how come you're back so late, it doesn't take all day to get back from New York, does it?" Ella says as she hugs me again. I love her warm and opening hugs.
"Um... Well... About that... Ezra?" I ask as I begin to worry and hyperventilate. Ezra begins to comfort me and calm me down.
"Go on Aria, you can do it." Ezra says with support.
"O...okay. Well we went to the fair in Philly with Kara and Sebastian, but more importantly... EZRA PROPOSED TO ME AND WE'RE NOW ENGAGED!" I say with a squeal and begin to jump up and down in excitement, instantly loosing all thoughts of worry. I look at my mum and dad to see their reactions. Of course Ella is in tears and Byron is speechless, looking like he might faint, but somehow he is holding it together. I have no clue how; first his daughter is pregnant, and now she's engaged. I'm so surprised that he hasn't punched anyone or anything yet!
"Oh my goodness, Aria! I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations!" Ella says with so many tears streaming down her face. Byron then begins to speak... Somehow.
"Well... Wow. I knew Ezra was proposing, as he did ask me for permission of course, but I didn't expect it so soon. Well, I'm happy if you're happy, Aria. I know how much you love Ezra. I can't believe that you're growing up, it's so fast, or so it seems. It feels like it was just yesterday, you were a little baby girl in my arms. You will be a wonderful mother and I am so proud of you for being responsible and stepping up to keep and look after this baby." He says to me with tears in his eyes. He then turns to Ezra and begins to talk to him. "Welcome to the family, Ezra. Thank you for loving and staying with my daughter through everything, it really does prove that you love and will do anything for her. Thank you." He says with tears streaming down his face. And now I can't stop crying. Oh my god, that was beautiful, I never thought I would hear those words, or anything similar, come out of his mouth, at least right now. I am so emotional!
I look over to my left to see Kara crying like there's no tomorrow into Sebastian's shoulder. She then let's out a small squeal as she can't help it and grabs her phone from her bag. I wonder what she's doing.
"Um, if you're interested, I managed to record most of the proposal, if you would like to see it." Kara says quietly, trying to ignore her tear stained face.
"YES!" Ella says as she continues to cry, knowing that her baby girl is growing up. Kara then starts to play the video and everyone cries at the magical proposal that is all mine and Ezra's.
With all the noise that we're making, Mike hears and comes down the stairs, to see what all the fuss is about. He sees everyone's crazy wet faces and me standing with my arms around Ezra. "Aria! You're home!" He says as he comes up to me and hugs me, "Why's everyone crying, did something bad happen to the baby or something?" He asks nervously.
"Oh, no. Nothing bad has happened, everyone's crying because, well, Ezra and I are engaged!" I let out.
"Congrats guys!" Mike says with a smile and fist bumps Ezra. Okay, that was weird, I think... Boys!
We all continue talking and order pizza, and before we know it, it's 11pm. I decide to go back to Ezra's place as I want to be alone with him and... Celebrate our engagement, if you know what I mean. I let Kara stay in my room for the night and Sebastian is going to stay downstairs on the couch as it's too late for them to go back to the City now, and I want to see them tomorrow too. We all say goodbye and head our separate ways. Time for some fun!

Sorry it took so long to update, I am going to try every other day, it's just that I've been doing other things over half term and kept forgetting to write more and by the time I had remembered, it was really late... Or should I say early and I was too tired. I went to London today though and it was really fun but now my legs kill and I got a Harry Potter wand from Hamleys, combat boots (FINALLY!) and some other things and anyway, I had time to write on the train so I wrote this chapter which turned out to be fairly long which I guess is good. I would break it up but I thought it would be nice to update with a big chapter.
I am, or should I say we, are getting so close to 30k reads and it is crazy! I never thought that this could ever happen and I am so thankful for every one of you who read One Mistake. I still freak out every new read which is probably stupid but it just blows me away how many reads this story has that has come out of my crazy brain and I've written. Writing is my passion and it is the best thing I could of ever started to do. Thank you everyone who has ever taken some time out of their day to read one of my stories. You guys mean the world to me, you really do! I love you guys with all my heart,
xoxofearlessgirl 💙

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