Don't Jump On Me!

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 90:

~2 weeks later - 17 weeks 2 days pregnant~

Today Ezra and I find out the gender and I'm so excited! We're gonna go baby shopping afterwards. I've been wanting to go for weeks but I held out until we know what we're having. I've saved up nearly $500 for baby shopping today. I've put almost all of my job money aside for this. I'm working 6 hours every weekday right now and I'm getting $7 an hour plus tips which is quite good. Ezra's also got some summer school teaching classes so he's earning too which is good. I want to be able to buy as much as possible myself and not rely on my parents for it all because I want to be mature and learn to manage money properly. They've done do much for me and them letting me stay at home is their way of helping. Almost all of my money is for the baby and not on rent which is good.

"Good morning, baby." I say to Ezra as I nudge him playfully.
He says nothing.
"I have coffee." I say, waving it around his face, giggling like crazy.
He groans.
"Well fine then, I guess I'll just have to jump on you." I say. I then put the coffee on my bedside table and get ready to jump when I hear him speak.
"No, no, no, no. You don't have to jump on me. Do not jump on me. I'll get up. I don't want you to hurt the baby if you land on me. I don't want to die now." He giggles as he sits up.
"Okay..." I reply.
"Good morning, Aria. I love you so much, and our baby that we will know the gender of today." He says, beginning to get excited as he gives me a kiss and lifts up my pyjama top.
"I love you too. Come on, let's have breakfast." Say as I drag him out of bed. I lead him out of my room and down the stairs to where I've set up breakfast for the two of us.
"Oh Aria, this is lovely, you didn't have to make me breakfast. Thank you." Ezra says as he picks me up and spins me around. I laugh and kiss him. He then puts me down and pulls out my chair and gestures for me to sit in it.
"Why thank you." I say with a giggle. "I thought I should make you breakfast as you've made it for me so much. I made everything I could find so if there's any left, Mike can just have it knowing him. He eats everything and anything." I reply back.
"That's true." He says with a laugh.


I was gonna update on Thursday but I wasn't sure whether to wait until the 100th chapter to reveal the gender but I've decided just to stick with where it's naturally going. It's finally starting to move again yay! I was meant to post this last night but I fell asleep and didn't revise more of my French work like planned either. I finished this chapter this morning along with the next one too. I should post it on probably Monday or Tuesday, depending on how busy I am. I'm beginning to get back into writing regularly but I've got my French speaking exam for my GCSEs in 11 days so I'm gonna be working on that like crazy and have today that I can't think and gave myself headache oops. I'm gonna write more tomorrow probably as well as revising for my chemistry test on Tuesday and my other French paragraph.
Goodnight guys, I love you so much 💙

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