Oh Great... He's Home

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 31:

The doorbell rings and I leap up from the sofa to the door. I open it in a hopeful manner and my face begins to beam a smile when I see Ezra's face. "Hi Ezra." I say happily. I quickly get back to reality and loose my smile. He sees my dim face and opens his arms up to let me in to a hug. I snuggle up to his warm chest and let out a soft cry. The girls then come to the door and see me and Ezra together.

"Hi Ezra. How are you?" Spencer asks casually but politely.

He let's go of the warm hug to reply, "Good I guess. How are you guys?" He asks Spencer, Emily, and Hanna.

"I'm a bit overwhelmed, given the circumstances of you know, just finding out that Aria's pregnant. Other than that I'm fine and the others are probably feeling the same." Emily says.

"I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR BUDDLE OF JOY AND BUY CUTE BABY CLOTHES AND BE THE FUN AUNTY/BIG SISTER!" Hanna says with a huge smile on her face, giving a little or should I say loud squeal.

"Hanna calm down. How would you feel if you were pregnant and all I was doing was squealing with excitement... At 16!?" I ask as I turn towards her.

"Okay, okay. I'll calm down. I'm just so excited to go baby shopping with you. I knew saving up loads of money for something important was a good idea and this is something VERY special and worth the money!" She says, still smiling.

"Awwww, thanks Han. Okay we better get ready for dinner because my dad will be back soon. Oh god. This is too real. I don't know what to do or say. How will I tell my father that I'm..." I say before the sound of a key turning in the door is heard. Great! He's home.

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