Wafting Cake

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 88:
School finally ends so we leave and head to Spencer's to hang around for a bit. I then leave after a few hours to get ready for dinner. I decide to just walk home as I don't want to bother anyone by getting them to pick me up.

I get home and I'm surprised by the smell of chocolate cake wafting through the house. I enter the kitchen and to my surprise, my dad is in there baking.
"Hey, Dad. Um, what are you doing, like why are you baking?" I ask curiously. I'm so confused!
"I'm surprising your mum with a romantic dinner as it's the last day of term. What are you doing tonight?" He asks back.
"Going out with the girls and then having a sleepover at Spencer's. I hope you have a good evening." I say.
"You too." He says before I leave. I then head upstairs to freshen up and change into a burgundy sweater with black shorts, tights and heeled booties. I then pack an overnight bag and wait for Spencer to pick me up. Whilst I wait, I decide to call Ezra and tell him that I won't be home tonight so he can stay at his apartment.

OMG sorry I wrote this last night and thought I posted it. Turns out I hadn't and so I now hate the way editing stories is laid out even more - I liked the old layout they had up until a few months ago.
Hey guys, this week hasn't been the best for me. I'm trying to stay happy but it's hard and I feel like crap. I've written two chapters though which is good.
I had my DofE final expedition last weekend so I couldn't update - it went well but I hate my group so thank god it's over. Also, the person I used I like who I was friends with started being a jerk and I've been unable to sleep because of him. I hate him so much but I could never hate him. I've tried talking to him and meeting up with him but he's kept bailing and we haven't had a proper conversation. I saw him on Wednesday and he acted like I was invisible when we clearly made eye contact and I saw him today when he was at work by accident and it was really awkward. I hope I can actually talk to him so I can have closure on our failed friendship. He's been such a jerk and idiot recently and hasn't talked to me when I've tried to talk to him. I miss our old friendship and want it back so much but I don't think it ever will be the same and I've cried so much over him. Taylor's Clean speech from Nashville night 1 has helped a lot though.
I'm gonna go to sleep now so goodnight and I'll post the other chapter soon. I love you all so much and thank you for your continuous support,

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