Bon Appétit!

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 47:
I wake up in a daze, confused by my surroundings. Where am I? It takes me a few seconds to refresh my memory. Oh yeah, I'm in New York. I look around the room to try and find a clock. I spot one in the kitchen area and look at the time: 6:43am. I slept a decent amount of hours. I did wake up during the night, worrying of course, but that was only briefly as I fell straight back to sleep. I wonder if Kara and Sebastian are awake. I think I'll go and see. But I need coffee. Lots if coffee. Wait, can I have coffee whilst I'm pregnant? Sebastian made me some last night but I don't think I drank it because I was worrying and crying a lot and was all over the place. I look around the kitchen and see two cups of cold coffee, one completely untouched, the other looking like only a sip had been taken. Oh ok, few, I didn't drink any. I better not touch it until I know for sure whether I can drink it or not.
I decide to stop thinking about coffee and get myself a drink. I look in all of the cupboards until I find glasses then fill up a glass with cold water from the tap. I begin to drink it when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Kara in an old, oversized t-shirt and a Victoria's Secret dressing gown with tired eyes as if she's only just woken up, lacking a good amount of sleep. I hope I didn't wake her.
"Hey Aria, how did you sleep?" Kara asks me faintly, half asleep.
"Okay I guess. I just want to be home and with my family, well except my dad, I don't think I want to face him just yet." I say back honestly.
"Would you like something to eat? I could make you some toast or cereal, maybe even pancakes or waffles. I love pancakes, Sebastian does too." She replies back to me. Suddenly Sebastian appears in the doorway of his bedroom.
"Did I just hear the word 'pancakes'?" Sebastian asks.
"Yep!" Kara says happily.
"If you don't mind, I would love some pancakes! I rarely have them but that's because I went vegan. I guess I can't be anymore though if I want to have a healthy baby." I say. I haven't eaten anything like meat and dairy products in ages, well except for that cheeseburger I had when I first met Ezra.
"Sure, that's fine Aria. I'll make some now. I hope you like sugary pancakes because they're my favourite." Kara says with a grin.
"I love putting loads of sugar on pancakes. My brother loves putting on chocolate spread on his but I hate it. It makes me feel sick!" I say back, without thinking. Oh great, here comes my morning sickness. "I'll be right back." I continue as I run towards the bathroom.
I throw up then follow on with my 'routine' of wiping my mouth and washing my hands then I go back to where Kara is.
"Sorry about that." I say to Kara who is now in the middle of making pancakes. They smell so good!
"That's okay. It must be horrible going through all that morning sickness. It should get better though. Anyway, why don't you get dressed whilst I finish making breakfast." She suggests to me.
"Okay. I'll just put on my clothes I was wearing yesterday. Could I take a shower to get rid of this sick smell on me?" I ask. Oh how I long for a shower.
"Sure. There's spare towels in the cupboard in the bathroom. You can use my shampoo that's in there if you like. There's washcloths in there too. Just help yourself. You're the guest after all. I want to help you, and be your friend. I don't want you to be alone Aria. Just know that I'm here for you." Kara says to me. She is the sweetest person I have ever met!
I have a shower and get dressed. As I'm getting dressed, I look around for deodorant. I find some and spray it under my arms. Hmmmm it smells good! Sweet but not too sweet, the perfect girly scent. I rub my hair dry with a towel and plop it up on a bun. I'll just sort it out later when I'm at home, I just really don't care about it now. I place the towels and pyjamas in the washing basket that is in the bathroom then look at myself in the mirror and leave the bathroom, entering a room full of delicious pancakes. The apartment smells amazing! How am I so lucky to of found Sebastian and Kara?!
"Hey, I'm back" I say in a half cheery tone. I'm starving now!
"Hey! I hope you had a nice shower, now it's time for breakfast, bon appétit!" Kara says with a smile as she waves her arms around to show off all the amazing foods that are on the table. She seems so bubbly! I wish we lived closer because she already seems like an amazing friend!

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