Principal's Office

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 86:
I have a meeting with the principal today about my school plan for next year which I'm really nervous about. I kind of have to give him a reason for my absence and for homeschooling. It's a bit odd telling a senior member of staff that you're pregnant with your old English teacher's baby - well obviously I won't mention that part but he's sure to find out.

First lesson goes by fast thank god, then again it is English so how can it not?! I hate the end of year assemblies so much because they are just about the so called "achievements" of the past school year and people singing and random stuff that no one pays attention to. I'm not saying what happens is bad, it's just the way it's put across and the dragged on messages. I'm surprised people haven't just walked out or fallen asleep.


Assembly was boring as usual - nothing new there. I should be eating ice cream right now but I get the joy of talking to the head about next year. I'm with my mum though so she can help explain it all.
I get called into his office and we sit down.
"So, Aria. I've been told that you are switching to part time in school education with homeschooling as the main focus, correct?"
"Yes." I say awkwardly.
"May I ask why out of curiosity?" He asks, leaning in to the conversation.
"Well... Um... Er..." I stutter.
"Shall I explain?" Ella asks kindly and calmly.
"No, no. I can, I just don't know how to phrase it." I mutter.
"Take your time, it's not like it's the last day of school or anything." The principal says with a chuckle.
"Well, you see, I'm pregnant. Yes, it wasn't exactly planned but I wouldn't change it for the world. I would like to do schoolwork at home as I think it would be less stressful and so when the baby is born, I'll be used to it and stuff. I don't want to be at school all the time when I have my baby as that would be expensive for childcare and I would rather not have to be around kids giving me weird looks. I feel like that could effect my learning and with homeschooling, I can work when I want, I mean when I can, and not be at set times of the day. I'll of course come in to get my work and hand it in so perhaps Mondays and Fridays I'll be at school as classroom work is still very important and I don't want to loose out on the high school experience. I've thought this through and my parents and boyfriend support me on this decision and my mum can help me wherever possible with my work." I explain.
"Hmmm, yeah, hmmm, yeah, yeah, yeah." He mutters and murmurs, "It seems like you're set on this. I think it would be good for the mix of both home and class working. You must not stress yourself out. I'm sure it will all go smoothly and you can come into class whenever possible as that will be a lot more fun than at home. I'll set up some stuff over summer so you'll be all ready to get your assignments in September. Thank you for your time and good luck as a future mother, I'm sure you'll be amazing as you are bright and very kind-mannered. You're definitely serious about your education as most people in your situation in the past have just thrown school out the window but those few that have cared have become very successful and have proven that it is possible. Anyway, you probably don't want to spend any longer here and would much rather eat ice cream with your friends in class so go on, back to lessons, have a great summer, Aria!"


Update on my life: Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in like two weeks. School started again and I've had SO MUCH HOMEWORK UGH! I've just started GCSEs so I have to work extra hard and make sure I've done all my work properly and the work load has been a lot home than KS3 - at least at my school. It's fun so far though! So along with all of my homework occupying my nights, I have been guilty of watching Switched At Birth and (still) catching up from YouTube videos as I got behind when camping like 3 weeks ago and still haven't caught up. I was gonna write one day as I was in the mood but then something happened but I don't remember what. I know I have been neglecting my writing but I haven't had any boost of inspiration and need to get the story going again as I feel like it's getting boring. I have it all planned out in my hair but have no idea how to write it all down as I haven't had enough time. I need time on the weekends really but I've been busy. I was planning on having a productive day on Sunday but my family literally lost a chinchilla and I spent hours crying as I thought it was my fault and thought she might have got out of the kitchen where we let them out because of me. Thankfully we found her yesterday when we let her sister out again and they heard each other. The chinchilla had found a gap between a panel and the dishwasher that isn't visible and has got through it so it wasn't my fault thank god. She is fine thankfully, just rather nervous now as she was without her sister for the first time ever and didn't have food or water for about 30 hours.
I must go to sleep now as it's nearly 11:30pm but I promised myself that I would update today as I didn't get homework for once. Goodnight guys, I love you all so, so much and thank you for supporting me and I'll try and update soon,

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