Time To Tell My Friends

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 27:

Two hours of doing homework slowly passes. Hanna and Spencer are still fidgeting from the worry and wonder of what on earth is going on. Emily however, is perfectly calm and getting on with her science homework. Suddenly we hear the turning of a front door key. My mum is home. Oh god, telling my best friends that I'm pregnant isn't that far away now. I can't put it off any longer. Here it goes. "Come on, let's go down stairs." I say as I look around at my 3 best friends.

"Finally!" Hanna says as she puts down her pink pen that has a feather on the end.

We get up and head down stairs. We get halfway down when I see my mum. "Hey mum!" I say in a half cheery way, but the other half is a dreading tone.

"So. Have you told them yet?" She asks wondering, making sure that she didn't accidentally tell them before I had.

"No. Not yet. I wanted you to be here when I told them. I can't tell them on my own. I'm freaking out mum!" I say as I start to yell. Oh here come the hormones. I wondered when they would start kicking in again.

"It's okay Aria, I'm here now. Why don't we all go into the kitchen and we can discuss everything with your friends in there as seems as your dad and Mike aren't home yet." She says calmly. How can my mother be calmer than me, the one who has a teenage daughter who is pregnant?

We finish making our way down the stairs and head into the kitchen. I grab the cookie jar and place it on the table. My mum sits down and we quickly follow. "So. Come on Aria, what is it!? We've been wondering all day what on earth you're so worried to tell us. We're your best friends, you can tell us anything. We'll never judge. Never ever, ever. Like ever." Hanna says practically shouting whilst shoving a cookie in her mouth. She has a really bad cookie problem.

"Okay. Here it goes..." I begin to say.

One Mistake: An Ezria FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now