Get It Over With

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 69:
I arrive home and unlock the front door. I enter the quite house and head up to my room and grab some clothes to get changed into. I then head into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day.

Once I've gotten ready, I head downstairs to the kitchen and make breakfast. I'm too lazy to make anything special so I just place some toast in the toaster. I then butter it and put cheese on top, oh how I've missed not being vegan. I quickly finish my breakfast then call up Ezra and ask him to come over to talk to my parents about the baby properly today. I'm nervous.


I can't promise regular updates within the next couple of weeks because I need time to get over my heartbreak (wow that sounds dramatic - I'm trying to to sound like that). Basically my drama friend spoke to Connor today and said something along the lines of "You know that poking war between you and ------, it's got me thinking that you would look cute together. Do you like her as more than just a friend?" And he replied along the lines of "She's a nice friend but I don't like her more than that."
My heart broke when she told me before last lesson and it dragged on so much. I just wanted to cry but I had to hold it in. I also had drama club after school so I had to survive through that too and on the way home I was emotionless, unable to cry. The second I was home in my room I began to uncontrollably cry. I'm crying now 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I don't know whether to get my friend to give him Enchanted or not because I want him to know. I would give it to her to give him in an envelope marked "operation mini egg" so he would know because he won't stop asking me about it and even asked her about it. He then asked her earlier if there was a reason why she asked him about me and asked if I fancied him. I hate the word fancy so much. I really, really do like him though. I tried to watch Modern Family and eat ice cream but that failed because he messaged me and asked me to tell him what the operation was and I said 'no' which I think sounds harsh but just can't deal with this all now. He has broken my heart and doesn't even know. This is worse than November, if that's even possible 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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