Yay For Hyperventilating

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 32:

"Hey Aria, I'm home. Oh your friends... And Ezra are over. Will they be staying for dinner?" He asks, slightly annoyed that Ezra's here.

"Errr. Yes. Yes. Yeah they are." I say, slightly startled that he's home. I just hope he didn't hear what I was saying a minute ago. Thank god that I heard the sound of a key turning otherwise I would of just told my dad by accident that I'm pregnant.

"Okay. So... What's for dinner? I'm starving." My dad says as he puts down his briefcase, takes off his jacket and rubs his hands together.

"Um... I can't remember." I say because I honestly can't.

"Okay well that's helpful." Byron says with a laugh. "Well we better all get ready for dinner as I think it will be ready soon or even now because I can smell it and oh boy it smells good!" He continues.

"Okay. Come on guys, let's wash our hands and um stuff..." I say because I didn't want to be in the same room as my dad because I'm getting too nervous. I run upstairs and leg it to my room. I jump onto my bed and start freaking out and hyperventilating. Great, do I feel a panic attack coming on? Yay... Hahaha yeah right!

The girls and Ezra quickly come bursting into my room to see me in panic mode. Ezra comes rushing over to me and scoops me up bridal style. "Oh Aria, baby. It's alright. Calm down, shhhhhhhhh. Come on, let's go down stairs, you need to eat. If you can't tell your dad now, we can tell him another time. Let's just all go downstairs okay?" He asks with tears in his eyes, he hates seeing me like this. I hate feeling like this.

One Mistake: An Ezria FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant