Another Monday

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 77:

~6 weeks later~

14 weeks and 2 days pregnant - aka I'm beginning to show. People at school haven't found out yet though as it just looks like I've gained weight. I also try to wear loose fitting tops so that they can't tell because I don't really want people to find out... Yet. I've tried to not throw up at school and if I have, I've made sure no one else was in the bathroom except for the girls. I'm not looking forward to people finding out; everyone will call me a slut, I'm not though.

Ugh... Monday. I hate Mondays. You realise it's the start of a new week and you have to wake up early after two days of sleeping in. I don't want to go to school. Mind you, I never want to go. I've got work afterwards and a doctors appointment because my first trimester has just ended so they need to check that the baby is still okay and healthy. I'm so thankful that I got a job at The Brew because I don't know how I would be able to save up money for the baby otherwise. I work there everyday after school and on Saturdays for a few hours which may seem annoying but I get paid and I can get my homework done there afterwards which is good. It's worth it I guess.

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