Fairytale Picnic

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 83:
A couple of minutes into the drive, Ezra hands me a blindfold and orders me to put it on. I reluctantly obey and start thinking about all of the possible places we could be going to. I give up after a couple of seconds and just decide to go to sleep as I'm tired.

I wake up to Ezra nudging me, quietly calling my name. I realise that we've stopped so I decide to take the mask off but I'm stopped by Ezra. "Wait, let's get to the front first."
"Where are we?" I ask with a giggle as he helps me walk to our final destination. He doesn't say anything.

"You can take the mask off now." He says excitedly.
I take the blindfold off and gasp at the sight of our favourite park all decked out with fairy lights. The picnic bench has a basket on and a bottle of lemonade with two fancy glasses next to it. It looks so pretty. I kiss him and he spins me around. This is a fairytale.
"Aw, Ezra! You shouldn't have! This is so beautiful. Thank you!" I say with another kiss.
"Of course I should have. You have gone through so much and I thought that this is something nice to mark the end of the school year and to get you through your last week of school. I love you so much. Now let's eat!" He says as he grabs my hand and guides me to the bench seats and gestures for me to sit down.
"I love you so much, I don't know what I would do without you." I say with tears falling on to my cheeks as I'm so overwhelmed by this surprise.

We tuck into the picnic and Ezra pours out the lemonade. I can't wait to bring our child here soon and tell them about this. They will be very lucky to have a father like Ezra. He's going to be an amazing dad, I just know it.


Who's excited for the 6A finale?!? We're finally gonna find out who A/Charles is, YAY! Put your guesses and your theories in the comments but don't spoil it if you read this afterwards, just put your reactions.
My guesses are:
A/Charles: Wren. Although it could maybeeeeeee be someone else but he has the most clues for being A. I think it's him but you never know with this show so I keep doubting myself.
Red Coat: Cece/Melissa/Jenna/Sara/Paige - I can't decide. I'm kind of leaning towards Jenna or Cece or Paige but every time I start thinking more about it I go back to the 5 of them.
Black Widow: Cece or Maya - I'm still not convinced that Maya's dead as we didn't see her body and they said that they "thought" it was her. I'm leaning more to Cece though as that would make sense.
I hope I haven't missed anything out. I hope we learn more about Bethany too! I think she has something to do with this but I don't know enough to assume anything. I can't wait to find out why Charles has done this because it honestly doesn't make sense to me in my mind properly but that's because we don't know the whole story. It's gonna be so weird not being able to ask/wonder who A is after 3 years of me watching the show! I'm nervous but excited (cue the eharmony cat lady video). It's the end of an era! Goodbye theories, hello explanations.

One Mistake: An Ezria FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now